How I thank God that both of my parents were committed Christians. The proclaiming of it denotes the universal extent of God's mercy. (2) just, and therefore cannot connive at sin.. They promise obedience, but it is obedience of the law. These consequently were to form and regulate them as a people under His special government, God suiting them to their condition and in no way revealing His own nature as He afterwards did personally in the Word made flesh in the New Testament as a full display of His mind, and in the Christian individually or the church corporately as responsible to represent Christ, like Israel in relation to the tables of stone. exodus We have what answers to it. It awaited the coming of a greater than Moses. This is the second time God has met Moses on the mountain to make a covenant with the people of Israel. But when Moses went in before the Lord to speak with him, he took the veil off, until he came out. 3 (1984): 28294, in a study of the Decalogue and the Book of the Covenant, seeks to distinguish what in the text is pre-Deuteronomic, what was contributed to Exodus by the Proto-Deuter- But we must not be driven into any error, even the least to avoid the greatest; and it is certainly an error to swamp in one all the ways of God with the soul. Nevertheless, here as everywhere God maintains His right to call, and gives the requisite gifts. The judgment of One who could not bear sin was represented in the copper sockets of the boards which gave immutable stability; but grace in redemption was that on which all hung and shone in the chapiters and fillets also, the ornament of the work. Just as in the type the priests had not only to be washed completely in the laver in order to be consecrated; but whenever they entered into the presence of God, they washed their hands and feet. I. By the law he died to the law that he might live to God. As being a position, it may have so far a more external sound, but it is a real deliverance, which grace now confers on us in Christ Jesus, not merely the communication of a life which hates sin, but the putting one according to the new place of Christ Himself before God. "The first of the firstfruits of thy land.". It is false that the law is dead. What they knew not then, they were to know hereafter, as we know it now. Now therefore let me alone, that my wrath may wax hot against them, and that I may consume them; and I will make of thee a great nation." It is God displaying Himself in Christ; but those who had this connection with Christ were Israel. Certain. Thus Moses, like a man of a truly public spirit, intercedes even for the children that should be born. So if their dads were guilty of doing a stupid thing, they'll usually follow that because that's the role model that they had. Abundant; to Gods goodness there is no limit. Nay, mercys arms are very wide; mercys heart is very large; mercys mansions are very many. Simonides the philosopher, being requested to describe God, asked a week to think of it. Had He dealt on the ground of pure law, how could it have been? There indeed is the truth. He not only does good, but by his promise he raises our expectation of it, and even binds himself to show mercy. And so it always is No doubt there was large and rich blessing and of the most unexpected kind when God sent down the Holy Spirit here below, and His church was first seen. He belonged to God automatically. It was the state in which the children of Israel were put here, and was a very great mercy for them in a certain sense. It is the riches of His riches. When Moses reached the top, it descended once more from the sky, and stood with him there. By and by we shall bear the image of the heavenly. For many, as they enter adulthood, with its competing demands and obligations, setting aside time for learning and especially for Jewish learning can be challenging indeed. A few words will suffice here before passing on. After the call to the people to bring their offerings, we find the use to which they were to be applied First and foremost stands the centre of Levitical worship the ark. [This is a feast of Passover.] WebWhile Moses was in the mount, receiving the law from God, the people made a tumultuous address to Aaron. O God, how beautiful the thought,How merciful the blessd decree,That grace can eer be found when sought,And naught shut out the soul from Thee!, Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary. Again, in these various figures or institutions of good things to come, the Sabbath re-appears. And none shall appear before me empty ( Exodus 34:18-20 ). II. And the rulers brought onyx stones, and stones to be set, for the ephod and for the breastplate: and spice, and oil for the light, and for the anointing oil, and for the sweet incense. That's how high God prizes you. WebMatthew Henry Matthew Henry's Complete Commentary - Exodus 30:1-10. To forsake God and follow other religious ideas would be spiritual adultery, compared to the unfaithfulness of a woman who leaves her husband for another man (12-17).Accompanying the renewal of the covenant was a command to the people never to forget their deliverance from Egypt. What can be more lovely, more according to Christ, than this? In these shadows* we may see two very different characters or classes, we may say, into which they are divisible. That as His goodness is based upon His power man must not presume. He hears the noise, which Joshua could not so well understand, but which his own keener and more practised ear fails not to interpret aright; and as soon as he came near, and saw the confirmation of his fears the calf and the dancing his "anger waxed hot, and he cast the tables out of his hands, and brake them beneath the mount. This cloud was to strike an awe upon Moses, that the familiarity he was admitted to might not breed contempt. Therefore whatever the work introduced meanwhile whether of grace, as the effectual working of God, or whether of law as proving the inefficiency of man He always holds out His rest, to which He would also direct the eyes of all who love Him. Undoubtedly there is another measure of responsibility. The Exodus is the central event of the Old (2.) Then, after the priesthood has been fully brought before us, we have the various portions of their dress. Because it has rabies, it's gonna die. Now we are here told. This is all the more striking too, because even after the redemption of the people from Egypt there are grievous faults, unbelief, complaints, and murmurs; nevertheless, not a blow, not a single answer on God's part save in tender mercy towards a poor and failing people. It will scarcely be affirmed that what we discern in the church, while limited to the circumcision, had the same depth and heavenly character stamped upon it, as what was found when the full grace of God broke all barriers and flowed freely among the Gentiles. The bread that was set on the golden table consisted of twelve loaves in evident correspondence with the twelve tribes of Israel, but this assuredly in connection with Christ, for He is ever the object of God's counsels. (5.) He visits the iniquity of the fathers upon the children. He is abundant in goodness and truth; even sinners receive the riches of his bounty It is of great interest to observe that the silver paid in by the children of Israel, a bekah or half shekel each, was applied to the production of the silver sockets of the veil, and the hooks of the columns. The reason is that He would impress on His people that all His dealings, varied as they may be, are intended to keep before their minds that rest to which He was steadily working, and into which He means to bring His own in due time. (Exodus 26:1-37) Christ is set forth in various ways by the curtains Christ in His human purity and righteousness Christ in what was heavenly Christ in His glory whether Jewish or extending over Gentiles also, with His judicial title asserted. It is the putting the believer into an entirely new place before God, which is a different thought from his receiving a new nature. The rest of the book of Exodus consists of the people's response, and the actual accomplishment of the directions that were given inExodus 25:1-40; Exodus 25:1-40; Exodus 26:1-37; Exodus 27:1-21; Exodus 28:1-43; Exodus 29:1-46; Exodus 30:1-38, and calls for no lengthened remarks in such a sketch as this. Stretches out His hand all the day long, and waits to be gracious. How forcibly does the history of Israel, and indeed of every individual life, bear witness to this! We ought to know heaven better than the earth. As Christ is the true and perfect image of God, so is He the expression of all that is good and holy in man. Or, he will not clear the impenitently guilty, that go on still in their trespasses: he will not clear the guilty without some satisfaction to his justice, and necessary vindications of the honour of his government. Is it not known that for a righteous man (which assuredly the believer is) law is not in force, but for lawless and insubordinate, the ungodly and sinful. Longsuffering, not good by spasm or effort, but patient and unwearied. 35. In divine things there is nothing like simplicity; by it we enjoy a wisdom far higher than our own and real power to strengthen and guide the heart. Exodus 34. That the God with whom we have to do is a great God. The people thereon mourn; and Moses has recourse to a remarkable act. After this follow the general institutions of the law, which mainly insist on retribution. The children have to suffer because of the sins of the parents.There are even worse cases of children suffering for the sins of the parent, for there are parents who are-mothers who are addicted to drugs. WebExodus 34:5-8. He loved sin so well that God had to interdict it. The NLT translation says " I lay the sins of the parents upon their children and grandchildren; the entire family is affected even children in the third and fourth generations ". Then the LORD came down in the cloud and stood there with him and proclaimed his name, the LORD. From the time that man fell, He presented grace as the only hope for a sinner. This was the second proclamation. Now if gold represents God's righteousness which we approach within; and if brass or rather copper means, when thus symbolically viewed, His righteousness as applied to man outside in His immutable judgment, what is the force of silver in this connection? The last chapter records, first, Jehovah's call to Moses to set up the dwelling of the appointed tent on the first day of the first month (i.e., in the second year, ver. The word continent requires sentence after sentence of explanation to the child-mind; but when the child has become the youthful student, three words suffice to explain the same. Revelation alone emblazons God in the full circle of His perfections. Then we have the veil and screen. 2 Corinthians 3:7-18). That is, it was a prohibition of man's will. This is the way to lose all but a minimum of truth. We see this demonstrated all the time. If I do nothing to stop it, if I do nothing to hinder it, that little dog could actually kill a lot of the children on the playground, infect them so that they also would die. * Dr. P. Fairbairn's Typology, ii. And he said unto him, If thy presence go not with me, carry us not up hence." (1.) It should seem as if Moses accepted this as a sufficient answer to his request that God would show him his glory; for we read not that he went into the cleft of the rock, whence to gain a sight of God's back parts. As far as we know Moses was never asked to bring the first two stone tablets; they were provided by the Lord Himself. This relative proclamation may be viewed as revealing Gods goodness and Gods justice. He is merciful. As no sacrifice was absent here, so we enjoy all the value of Christ and His work. Let a man once steal, and he is never trusted again, even though he has made reparation for it. The orders given concerning the altar of incense are, 1. His holy submission to the will of God, made known in this declaration, subscribing to his justice as well as mercy, and putting himself and his people Israel under the government and direction of such a God as Jehovah had now proclaimed himself to be. Those curtain-clouds of purple and vermilion. Or we could say that He expounded before Moses on the third commandment. prophets returned to these words again and again. And the Lord said unto Moses, Cut out two tables of stone, hew them out like the first: and I will write upon these tables the words that were in the first tables, which you broke. He gave a sample of it before He went up on high. But Moses took his stand in the gate and said, "Who is on Jehovah's side? Such is the effect, it is to be observed, "when he goeth in" and "when he cometh out." the seeming disorder of God is incomparably more orderly than man's best order. Exodus 40:17), with all its parts and vessels in due order; secondly, the obedience of Moses according to all that Jehovah commanded him. How blessed for us! The understanding of this comes in the antithesis in the word "generation" at the end of Exodus 34:7. He reproaches them once more with being a stiff-necked people; He will not go up in the midst of them, lest He should consume them in the way. Weariness in waiting betrays to many temptations. WebExodus 34. 2. Jesus emphasized over and over, "unless you repent, you will likewise perish".People are troubled with the fact that it declares, "visiting the iniquities of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children's children to the third and the fourth generation." They see actually two Gods, the God of the Old Testament, the God of the New.But in the Old Testament you will find very much concerning the character of God as far as His graciousness, as far as His mercy. The children of Israel brought a willing offering unto Jehovah, every man and woman, whose heart made them willing to bring for all manner of work, which Jehovah had commanded to be made by the hand of Moses" (verses Exodus 35:21-29). 9 And he said, If now I have found grace in thy sight, O Lord, let my Lord, I pray thee, go among us; for it is a stiffnecked people; and pardon our iniquity and our sin, and take us for thine inheritance. Web34 Whenever Moses z went in before the Lord to speak with him, he would remove the veil, until he came out. The glory of Jesus was veiled by his humanity. They left the ground of the grace of God, which they had in no wise appreciated. But man was insensible, and therefore, inasmuch as his heart was continually taking the place of self-righteousness, God's law put him thoroughly to the test. We are children, members of the family of God. Every one that did offer an offering of silver and brass brought Jehovah's offering: and every man, with whom was found shittim wood for any work of the service, brought it. We may know and ought to judge what is passing in the world, though it be through an imperfect medium; but we know heaven and heavenly things from God. (1.) Now this is exactly what grace does in Christ. Advantage must not be taken of the weak or subject; violence cannot go unpunished, any more than dishonour where we owe reverence; responsibility for what is allowed, were it but a mischievous brute; restitution must be made, and this double, fourfold, or even fivefold, according to the wrong; neither a witch nor an offender unnaturally could live; neither stranger nor widow nor orphan must be vexed or afflicted; neither poor must be burdened, nor judges reviled; but God is to be honoured with the first of the fruits, and of the sons, as well as of the cattle. It was bold faith, working in unfeigned love of the people, and with a deep sense of what God is spite of all demerits; yet its highest petition is based on revealed grace, and is therefore the very reverse of human presumption. They could not exist. The reason is manifest. He would cause the world to be amazed at the greatness of his power as he drove out nation after nation to give his people the land he had promised them (10-11). Key Verses (Ex 6:6; Ex 19:56). The name of the God of the Jews, who is also the God of the Christians, is The Lord God, merciful and gracious., Thou lookest forth at morning; flying wide. Long-suffering; as also in Numbers 14:18, and Psalms 86:15. We know His tender mercy in the smallest matters; but in that which so nearly concerns His honour, it is indeed a truly merciful provision that the Great High Priest bears the iniquity of holy things, where other wise defilement would be fatal. Now that's the part that I have, "Here God, You can have me for Your inheritance." Because it was hard to look at his shining face? 5 And the LORD descended in the cloud, and stood with him there, and proclaimed the name of the LORD. Connected with the subjoined revelation of His goodness, this teaches. The springs of mercy are always full, the streams of mercy always flowing; there is mercy enough in God, enough for all, enough for each, enough for ever. Now this mingling of grace with the law is the kind of system which Christians have accepted as Christianity. What a place for us, and for us now! They stood in their own strength to obey the law of God, as ignorant of their impotence or of His holy majesty. [2.] If it weren't for the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the world would be in a much greater mess than it is today, because people are doing such absolutely foolish things in destroying their own children. Pressense says, that whatever opinions men may hold as to the integrity of that primitive witness, all must own that it contains pages in which one beholds, as it were, the reflection of the lustre which caused Mosess face to shine when he held converse with God. (Exodus 34:10) Moses had prayed Him as Adonai to "go among us; for it is a stiff-necked people; and pardon our sin, and take us for thine inheritance." Thou shalt not seethe kid in his mother's milk. Who is on Jehovah 's side were to know hereafter, as ignorant of their impotence or of holy! Moses has recourse to a remarkable act of this comes in the full circle of holy. Whom we have to do is a great God thy land. `` viewed revealing... Think of it, and Psalms 86:15 remarkable act extent of God asked... Shining face than the earth know Moses was in the cloud, and for us now Henry Complete! Could it have been was to strike an awe upon Moses, like a man of a than! 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