( common, ) Translation: MOISTEN (V) Definition: [To be verified] To make wet by adding a liquid. To arm oneself by unsheathing a sword in the sense of emptying the scabbard. Multiply. In Hebrew the character Resh is used to represent the number 200. ( ) Action: Rule, Spread, Ambush, Encourage, Strive Object: Master, Square, Sheet Abstract: Increase, Abundance, Pride Definition: Each family has a master that rules all cases, trials, conflicts and contests. Discover the secret behind the Hebrew letter Resh. square-formed ancient letter, in those cases where translators have substituted an English letter with a different thought-vibratory rate, occult students use a true vibratory equivalent. KJV Translations: horn, hill Strong's Hebrew #: h.7161 Strong's Aramaic #: a.7162. ( ) Definition: An abundance of number, strength or authority. KJV Translations: cedar Strong's Hebrew #: h.0729, ( common, ) Translation: SHRIVEL (V) Definition: [To be verified] To be made thin. ( ) Definition: An abundance of number, strength or authority. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of the head of a man, the is a picture of a foot. KJV Translations: leper, leprous Strong's Hebrew #: h.6879, ( fem., ) Translation: INFECTION Definition: A contaminated substance, such as a disease, mold or mildew, on the skin, cloth or a building. Solution of Ancient Cycles - Light of Egypt ( ) Definition: As green and drawn out of the mouth. AHLB - Resh - Ancient Hebrew The translators of the Septuagint knew of the pronunciation of the Resh with a Dagesh - the evidence is that they wrote the name Sarah with a double R. KJV Translations: wealthy, run over Strong's Hebrew #: h.7310, ( ) Object: Form Abstract: Appearance, ( masc., ) Translation: FORM KJV Translations: form Strong's Aramaic #: a.7299. PDF Modern Ancient Some Meanings Symbol a l Ancient Hebrew Reveals Rsh - symbols 3 The dagesh, mappiq, and shuruk have different uses, but the same graphical representation, and hence are input in the same manner. KJV Translations: dominion, lord, rule Strong's Hebrew #: h.7300, ( masc., ) Translation: WANDERING KJV Translations: misery, cast out Strong's Hebrew #: h.4788. The muddying of waters when stomping into the water. 2 For sin-dot and shin-dot, the letter " " (sin/shin) is used. Hebrew and Greek Alphabet and Numerical Values Solution of Ancient Cycles loe_siteadmin on Jun, 29, 2018 No Comments. Aramaic and Hebrew letters reveal hidden meaning in the Bible KJV Translations: gall, venom, poison, hemlock Strong's Hebrew #: h.7219, ( fem., ) Translation: HEADSTONE Definition: [To be verified] As at the top. Explore Our Shop Edenics: mirror KJV Translations: looking glass Strong's Hebrew #: h.7209, ( common, / r.a.h ) Translation: SEE (V) Definition: To take notice; to perceive something or someone; to see visions. ( masc., ) Translation: FRAGMENT Relationship to Root: Broken fragments of a pot which were commonly used as writing surfaces for messages. KJV Translations: arise, rise, shine, up Strong's Hebrew #: h.2224, ( masc., ) Translation: RISING.SUN Definition: The early morning appearence of the sun. KJV Translations: purple Strong's Hebrew #: h.0713. ( ) Definition: A container where all of its contents have been drawn out. To complain in a low tone, usually in private. PDF HEBREW: THE HEAD (200) - Letter 'Resh' - Number Meanings PDF Hebrew Word Pictures. What are they? - PraiseMoves KJV Translations: merchandise Strong's Hebrew #: h.5506, ( fem., ) Translation: SHIELD Relationship to Root: Unknown connection to root KJV Translations: buckler Strong's Hebrew #: h.5507, ( fem., ) Translation: BLACK Definition: [To be verified] From the black goat hair tents of the traders. Relationship to Parent: spread out, ( common, ) Translation: SPREAD (V) KJV Translations: spread, make, comfort Strong's Hebrew #: h.7502, ( masc., / re-phid ) ( fem., ) Translation: PILLAR.BASE Definition: The lowest or deepest part of anything. A person in authority or role of leader. The Aleph covers that sickness with strength to heal or repair it. Is this 3? Alternate Translations: at all KJV Translations: only, nothing, except, but Strong's Hebrew #: h.7535, ( fem., ) Translation: TEMPLE Definition: [To be verified] The side of the head as a thin spot. 06: Psalm 122 - What He wants. Acting in vain; empty-handed. ( ) Definition: An abundance of number, strength or authority. KJV Translations: curtain Strong's Hebrew #: h.3407, ( ) Definition: A green and fresh plant as flourishing with fruit or with sustenance. From this word comes the idea of breath as it is the wind of man which also follows a prescribed path of inhaling and exhaling. The only evidence that it has always been so is a small clay tablet found in 1948 in the ruins of the ancient city of Ugarit, which flourished from 1400 to 1200 B.C. As it turns out, it is what it sounds like: Hei represents the expressions "Hey" or "Behold." The form of the letter has been compared to a person standing up with outstretched arms, as though trying to signal something very important. KJV Translations: evil, wickedness, wicked, mischief, hurt, bad, trouble, sore, affliction, ill, adversity, favoured, harm, naught, noisesome, grievous, sad Strong's Hebrew #: h.7451, h.7455. Table of the Phoenician Alphabet In it is the word for poor Rash, but when it is filled the power of the Aleph it becomes Rosh , head or first, expressing the Firstness, Oneness, and Eternity of the Creator, and the . KJV Translations: merchandise Strong's Hebrew #: h.5504, h.5505, ( fem., ) Translation: MERCHANDISE Definition: [To be verified] Something that is traded. As a talebearer. KJV Translations: n/a Strong's Hebrew #: [Found in names only], ( masc., ) Translation: CITADEL Definition: A large palace or fortress usually constructed in a high place. KJV Translations: beam, shuttle Strong's Hebrew #: h.0708, ( masc., ) Translation: PURPLE Definition: A reddish-blue color used to dye yarn and used in weaving. KJV Translations: flute Strong's Aramaic #: a.4953, ( masc., ) Translation: STATIONED Definition: [To be verified] (A word of uncertain meaning) KJV Translations: n/a Strong's Hebrew #: [Found in names only]. 08: Psalm 123 - Look up, not down. Relationship to Parent: The perscribed path of the sun, ( common, / z.r.hh ) Translation: COME.UP (V) Definition: To rise up, as the sun does at the horizon. ( ) Definition: A shout of joy, desperation or desire. HEBREW: HAND OF GOD (10) - Letter 'Yod' YOD The tenth Hebrew letter ZYod is pictured at right: The rabbis picture Yod as a ZHand [. The Vowels. KJV Translations: sword, slaughter Strong's Hebrew #: h.7524, ( common, / r.ts.ah ) Translation: BORE.THROUGH (V) Definition: To pierce with a sharp object. Alternate Spellings: KJV Translations: neighbor, friend, another, fellow, companion, other, brother, husband, lover Strong's Hebrew #: h.7453, ( fem., ) Translation: FRIEND Definition: [To be verified] A female companion. Continuously. Alternate Translations: lazy (when written in the niphil [passive] form) KJV Translations: feeble, fail, weaken, go, alone, idle, stay, slack, faint, forsake, abate, cease Strong's Hebrew #: h.7503, ( masc., ) Translation: FRAIL KJV Translations: weak Strong's Hebrew #: h.7504, ( common, ) Translation: PULVERIZE (V) KJV Translations: tremble Strong's Hebrew #: h.7322, ( fem., ) Translation: MEDICINE KJV Translations: medicine Strong's Hebrew #: h.8644, ( fem., ) Translation: WHEAT Definition: [To be verified] A grain pulverized with a mortar and pestle for making a flour. Beginning (Reshyt), the Ancient Hebrew Meaning Also by extension any type of poison. KJV Translations: hornet Strong's Hebrew #: h.6880, ( common, / r.ah.b ) Translation: BE.HUNGRY (V) Definition: To have an urgent craving for food; famished. This was celebrated twice a year, at the beginning of Tishrei and the beginning of Nisan, and lasted for 12 days. The path or manner of life. KJV Translations: allowance, diet, dinner, victuals Strong's Hebrew #: h.0737, ( masc., / o-rahh ) Translation: PATH Definition: The road or route one travels. The Hebrew root word H7218 are these three letters, and it means "to shake the head". The head grants permission for the betrothal of his daughters and determines the inheritor of the tribe or family. Declaring the End from the Beginning ( Reshyt) and from ancient times things that are not yet done; saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure: Isaiah 46:10, 40:21 . Hebrew language - Encyclopedia Britannica | Britannica ( common, / r.y.b ) Translation: DISPUTE (V) Definition: To engage in argument; to dispute or chide another in harassment or trial. ( ) Definition: Something dysfunctional, wrong, evil or wicked. KJV Translations: locust, grasshopper Strong's Hebrew #: h.0697. One side of a four sided square. Combined these mean "man covered". Strong's Aramaic #: a.0735. ( ) Action: Widen, Far Object: Tender, Long, Loins, Street Abstract: Width Definition: The reproductive organs of the male including the lower abdomen which are always covered. KJV Translations: shovel Strong's Hebrew #: h.7371. ( ) Action: Shout, Murmur Object: Rattle Definition: Any loud noise. 2135 alef symbol 05D1 ` HEBREW LETTER BET 2136 bet symbol 05D2 a HEBREW LETTER GIMEL 2137 gimel symbol 05D3 b HEBREW LETTER DALET 2138 dalet symbol . Bet/Vet is a Tent Floor Plan, House, Dwelling, Temple; Body, In, Inside, Within, Heart, Family, Kingdom 3. Livestock are healthier and more productive when on a routine, therefore the man follows a routine or "a prescribed path" each day when caring for his livestock. KJV Translations: paved Strong's Hebrew #: h.7528, ( masc., ) Translation: HOT.STONE Definition: [To be verified] Used for baking bread by placing the bread on hot stones. KJV Translations: shine, horns Strong's Hebrew #: h.7160, ( fem., / qe-ren ) Translation: HORN Definition: One of a pair of bony processes that arise from the head of many animals and used as a wind instrument. The system of Hebrew numerals is a quasi-decimal alphabetic numeral system using the letters of the Hebrew alphabet . ( masc., / re-hheh ) Translation: MILLSTONE Definition: A large circular stone that is revolved on top of another stone to grind grain into flour. Relationship to Parent: pieces, ( common, ) Translation: FIT (V) Definition: [To be verified] To fit together. Alternate Translations: spy (when written in the piel [intensive] form) KJV Translations: spy, view, backbite, espy, slander Strong's Hebrew #: h.7270, h.8637, ( fem., / re-gel ) Translation: FOOT Definition: The terminal part of the leg upon which the human, animal or object stands. Resh is the twentieth letter of the Semitic abjads, including Phoenician Rsh Phoenician res.svg, Hebrew Rsh , Aramaic Rsh Resh.svg, Syriac Rsh , and Arabic R . KJV Translations: root, bottom, deep, heel Strong's Hebrew #: h.8328 Strong's Aramaic #: a.8330, ( fem., ) Translation: UPROOT Definition: [To be verified] In the sense of being taken out. KJV Translations: favour, will, acceptable, delight, pleasure, accepted, desire, acceptance, selfwill Strong's Hebrew #: h.7522. 05: The mountains of Jerusalem 06: Psalm 122 - What He wants 07: Watermark of God in the Psalms of Ascent 08: Psalm 123 - Look up, not down 09: Psalm 124 - Kept by the LORD 10: More watermarks of God