Don't trust a person who never gets angry. This message was edited 2 times. May I ask a question regarding varnishing?I read that varnish is an excellent choice to protect paint job since contrasts are thin. "@context": "", I guess I could do both, and have the shoulders or backpacks one color and the bulk of the model the other. The set is priced at 27,50 Euro / 24.99 RRP and includes ten 18 ml paints. And then a dab on the lenses in the helmet. For mixing paints, especially metallics, I recently picked up a mini vortex mixer. { However, this is only a minor inconvenience and can easily be remedied. An Iron Hands Leviathan would look awesome, and play nicely with the combination of the Duty Eternal stratagem and their Ironstone relic, but like that article I linked before indicates, it might not win you many friends. The Games Workshop Primer will have a more neutral-light tone that gives contrast paints a perfect backdrop to bring out the paint color. ( only used it on Magnus' armour so far). The main attraction of 40k is the miniatures, but there are also many video games, board games, books, ect. With all those bionic hands, extra sensors, and angry bald guys with bionic skulls, you can see the throughline from the ancient Tactical Squad upgrade kit. Flesh Tearers Red on the gun/weapon and then go back with the silver to fix the icon you just mucked up. It's a great dark metal color and one of my favorites. Spray coat of Leadbelcher Basilicanum Grey over everything Flesh Tearers Red for the panels (he explained doing the panels last, as it would be easier than trying to paint the trim and getting the shading to be similar across the entire model) Edge highlights (I forgot what color) Take a look at what I've been painting and modelling: Metallic paint darker than leadbelcher? When you open them for the first time only transparent medium will come out of the bottle. it is a really nice blue though, and given the numerous shades of different warbands in the codex I don't suppose it really matters :-). Even in the Great Crusade era, they were noted as a pitiless Legion, unmindful of their allies, intolerant of failure or weakness. Rob walks us through how to make your own! This item was kindly provided by The Army Painter. It may be a good idea to grab a few bottles of the same color if you plan on painting your little rank-and-file guys in your army. I also read that some are using varnish over undercoat first, before applying contrast paints - can someone explain why? Well the "Black Templar" contrast paint seems to work quite nicely. Its a pearl, almost white metallic paint, similar to Scale 75s White Alchemy, but a tiny nuance more yellowish. (Wargames) Foundry miniatures> Blackened barrel 'A' and 'B'. Short answer, yes! Check my test model earlier in the thread, it's one coat and it doesn't look that grey to me (even when the photo is slightly overexposed). Still, if you use contrast paints, this could be a good addition to the line. Full tracking of what you have read so you can skip to your first unread post, easily see what has changed since you last logged in, and easily see what is new at a glance. "text": "The spray primers that are designed to work Contrast are going for $22 per can, but in theory, you can use any lighter-colored primer, and it will be fine." Grabbing a set of 50 wont set you back much hobby dollars-wise, and it can save you big on paint! I particularly like how the Black Templar looks, though many people (even our liege Duncan) are using Basilicanum Grey. It looks similar to using glazes over Metallics but simpler to use. I have no idea if it hurts brushes but Im setting aside my W&N Series 7s just in case and using some older brushes. Should be mixed with Fairy Dust for highlights. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Contrast paint is designed to be applied over light base colours. Warhammer Community's Chris Peach has found that Contrast colours applied over Leadbelcher or Retributor . Bosh, one evenings work for something that wont win you prizes but hopefully your opponent is happy theyre not grey. Rob says there are aboutseven must-have Contrast paintsfor his hobby toolbox. - the one on the right is Blood Angels Red & Black Templar over Grey Seer, the one on the left is over Wraithbone. this gives you a how it turned out (until I get a Rubric done): I was trying to find a blue close to the "thousand sons" blue and not too "Alpha legion". Get ad-free access to our hobby videos, a monthly crate of miniatures, and support some of the best creators out there for as little as, If you buy something from a link on our site, we may earn a commision. What do you recommend? Approaching painting black armor for this I knew I wanted to go for something a little bit different than the standard grey-blue edge highlights, while also not stepping on Condits toes painting up the Heresy style oil slick scheme. For my example above, I used Citadels Mephiston Red. The Army Painters Warpaints Metallic Colours paint set comes with nine new and exclusive metallic colours and Fairy Dust metallic effect paint, all in 18 ml dropper bottles. They are all a single, non thinned coat over Leadbelcher rattle can spray and left to dry for about 30 min. Trim on the shoulders, practice my silver/grey highlights etc. "name": "How Much Does Contrast Paint Cost? I wasnt lucky though . The first step to start transferring your paints is to snip off the plastic lid on the Citadel Paints. Still, the way I paint black, I get my definition purely from highlights. You could also look at the towering Redemptor or dip into Forge Worlds range of Dreadnoughts. As for contrast paints, Ive been painting for a while and in my opinion they are worth it; they save a lot of time and are effective, though it depends on what youre trying to accomplish. I started with a thin coat of Black Templar Contrast paint over the Leadbelcher. Painting the Traitor Legions with Contrast - Warhammer Community I've actually already watched a bunch, but the thing is that I'm so new to painting that they are using words/terms I don't really understand, and a video cannot really answer questions you raise. What Can Citadel Contrast DO? - Paint Metallic Power Armour? Krootcon Down Under Am I getting good at this? Announcing The Goonhammer 2023 Global 40k Campaign. 4 Accomplished_Ad5945 2 yr. ago A very unique colour that would look super cool on Shadow Aelves, or on Slaanesh or Drukhari armour. =]. I have been doing the same. Not really; they will give you a tabletop standard very quickly, however." From left to right that's Blood Angel, Flesh Tearer, Leviadon, Talassar. Hey guys, I have been experimenting with making a nice metallic blue armour for thousand sons using contrast. I wish GW had a lighter silver spray! I have no idea if it hurts brushes but Im setting aside my W&N Series 7s just in case and using some older brushes. This led to them developing a much closer relationship with the Mechanicum and Titan Legions than other Legions a theme which will hold all the way up to the 40k era. We are hobbyists like you and do all of this in our spare time. I'm such a downer. Ania RedfangJuly 8, 2019 in + THOUSAND SONS +. Can be mixed with Citadels Grey Knights Steel or Fairy Dust for highlights. Copyright 2009-2022. The primer color you choose should reflect how vibrant of a color you want from the look of contrast paint on your miniatures. Cheating at blue wash for Leadbelcher (updated: not great results) "acceptedAnswer": { I finished off with Leadbelcher on the trim highlighted with Vallejo Model Air Silver. ", "text": "Contrast paints retail for $7.80 per 18 ml pot, and because these are between a layer and a wash in consistency, the paint will probably go fairly quickly" Check out those bionic hands, bionic legs, and enhanced helmet sensors amazingly, you can still buy it. Can I get an example of a single coat of Black Templar over Grey Seer??? For this small old boi I mostly followed the, A brief word on Tamiya paints. Still, if you love GWs paints and contrast more specifically, this could be really good. 590 42K views 3 years ago The next big question was about using Citadel Contrast to paint Metallic Power Armour (such as for Pre-Heresy Space Marines). The dropper bottle kit from Amazon comes with the bottles, nozzles, and tops, so you are ready to start transferring right out of the box. Having said that, I'm fully intent on testing them on one model to see if there's a lot of difference side by side. A number of Chapters trace their origins to the Iron Hands, including the Brazen Claws, the Iron Fists, the Iron Lords, and the Red Talons. You can clearly see where the wrong color has been painted and I don't know how you would fix that. It's not as if paint has self-automation tech in it or anything, so how does it apply shading? Contrast is an incredibly powerful paint range. It wasnt until 3rd edition and the Index Astartes articles that they started to gain an identity of their own, as a cold and remorseless Chapter seeking the perfection of logic and machinery over the weakness of the human body which includes the post-human body of an Astartes. You sir, are insane. While they wont do everything for you, they will make your painting go much faster! Last but not least, Fairy Dust can be used on its own, for example for pearl white Lumineth armour, but it will require quite a few coats for solid coverage, so I recommend switching to an airbrush for a more even finish. Apply weathering pigments to the lower leg. I'd be tempted to try a darker blue too, see if you can't get a bit more of the "classic" look. I started with a thin coat of Black Templar Contrast paint over the Leadbelcher. I then brushed on some Seraphim Sepia, Druchi Violet, and Biel-Tan Green in places to get the shimmery oil effect, and then washed . Do contrast paints only work on contrast undercoat? A short and sweet guide from speed painting maestro Richyp: Real talk, I am a recently reformed Grey Horde/Undercoat player for many years and this has only changed recently due to the Dark Magic that is Contrast Paint soooo maybe you dont want to take advice from someone just getting back into painting 4 months ago after a long hiatus. Zephyr Pink: A bright warm pink. Nowits time to take it to the next level. If youre a Basic Becky painter like me, sticking mostly to Citadel and Vallejo and P3, Tamiya is. Also currently painting white saps my will to live. The Sons of Medusa are also Iron Hands descendants, although in an unusual fashion. },{ Maybe a darker gray would produce a nice result? If you have a bunch of guys, you want to paint up in white, this paint can work wonders for you. The helmet was sprayed leadbelcher. Night Scales: Now this is a peculiar colour. Another Look At GW CONTRAST PAINT - YouTube Chip the decals slightly with Corvus Black to blend them into the surrounding area. . Just note that painting over leadbelcher with certain coloured contrast paints leaves a metallic/pearlescent finish (look at shiny Blue/green Alpha Legion armour or red 30k Thousand Sons armour) 12 SpacetimeTwitch 2 yr. ago Thanks for the reply, it does feel like it would be a time saver. Vallejo metal color Steel. My previous metallic ones are tamyia metallic light blue with tamiya clear blue over the top (same as my Heresy thousand sons only with the red replaced with blue),but again, I felt it came out a little too dark/deep for what I was looking for (still looks good though ;-) ): I might give the Talassar blue a try though, the Akhellion worked really well on Magnus (I've nearly finished him) so will try it a Rubric for comparison soon. ", are! "@type": "Question", Also thank you to Stahly for testing and posting a detailed color swatch reference! Glitter Green: An bright metallic green, very intense and vibrant. "@type": "Question", Heavy use of Dreadnoughts and Techmarines has been encouraged in their lore, and 8th edition offers a wealth of options for just that. Snakebite brown for the pouches. The Mortal Realms and 41st Millennium boast countless creatures with a touch of the dark, as well as warriors clad in weathered armour and solemn robes. } So, the value of the set is pretty decent, though you only save on buying the mixing balls. That said, Ferrus is not as cold of a figure as his Legion, and their descendant Chapter, would later become. Hopefully, this side-by-side comparison of primers and the Citadel Contrast paints has helped you decide which primer you should go with and maybe what Contrast paint would look best for your minis! Check out the frontier war gaming paint case: code "MINIAC" at checkout for $10 off!PATREON OR DIE: http://patreon.miniac. that are all connected in the 40k universe. Black Primer, Corvus Black, airbrushed on to leave a little bit of pure black in the recesses, Edge Skavenblight Dinge, Edge Stormvermin Fur, Edge Administratum Grey, Basecoat anything that will get washed with Nuln Oil: pouches in Rhinox Hide, armor joints in VMC Black Grey followed by Contrast Black Templar, metals in Scale75 Thrash Metal. The Horus Heresy novel series filled out much of the 30k-era background of the Iron Hands, but it wasnt until the Clan Raukaan codex supplement in 6th edition, and the Angels of Death book in 7th edition, that much of their 40k-era lore developed. Have you seen or tried that? However, I'm yet to see a proper Black Templar done with the eponymous paint. By this point something in that delicious Tamiya paint had given me a splitting headache. Fingers crossed that all the colours will be available separately soon. Here are my Top Five Contrast paints that I love, which may be perfect for you too! Old Citadel. "name": "What Primer Should You Use With Contrast Paint? In the Moirae Schism, a large number of Iron Hands Marines came to believe in the Moirae Tech-creed, officially a tech-heresy which split the Adeptus Mechanicus. Check out Vallejo Model Air Black Metallic. I think the leadbelcher base solved a lot of the problems with contrast paint and power armor. Yeah, I was looking at that color for a metallic version of the standard scheme. In this review, I find out how The Army Painters new Metallic Colours Set can keep up with the competition from Scale75 and Green Stuff World. It looks great too and seems even easier. The Army Painter's Warpaints Metallic Colours paint set comes with nine new and exclusive metallic colours and "Fairy Dust" metallic effect paint, all in 18 ml dropper bottles. I prefer the grey 2. Contrast paint is designed to be applied over light base colours. Rob suspects that the Contrast uses super high pigments (like inks) to make those vibrant colors, so try experimenting with some of those for similar color pops! Its not paint. The new Codex Supplement is all well and good, but what about if you want to know more about the Logical Boys? But it doesnt look like it will happen after ther recent announcement, so its time to take matters into your own hands! Like many of the other Primarchs, Ferrus Manus has a dedicated novel called, er, The Hands also have a couple of more modern novels about them. Much of this mentality is owed to their Primarch, Ferrus Manus. If youre looking for less of the 10,000 words about every stratagem in detail approach, and more of a how can I make a cool, fluffy army on the table, then carry on reading here. But I then needed to reapply the Druchi Violet and Clear Green again. Theres nothing stopping you from using it with our regular Citadel range, however. Their Clear paints are kind of thick and gloopy and takes longer to dry between steps than washes or glazes. "text": "The first question is, do they help you paint faster and get decent results? GW's Contrast Paints: How They'll Really Look On Models - Spikey Bits That's good to know. "@type": "Question", That's why this makes me righteously mad since I've never strived for top quality painting, yet Contrast paints appear to enable people to get decent results in no time. "text": "Honestly, no, at least not all of them, not with other alternatives for half the price out there that work better, like the Army Painter Speedpaint." I don't like the black Templar I have maybe I got a bad batch I don't know it's just not working right. with the retributor undercoat it does tend to be more green (but still looks good for a thousand son with the added bonus, if you are careful applying it, you've got the gold trim started already :-). Fantasy & Sci-Fi Alternatives: February 3DArtGuy STL Files, New Strike Force Agastus & Boarding Patrols: Pricing & Links, Black Templars Top 40k Homebrew Army List: Melee at Shiloh, New Female Imperial Guard Alternatives From Brother Vinni, WIN a Warhammer 40k Battleforce Box Giveaway, Huge 10th Edition 40k Rumors, New Releases & Cheap Deals LATEST. After painting and highlight all the details, put another coat of gloss varnish over shoulders and knees. It seems that the brighter the colour underneath the better the contrast works. I think this pic is also when they were still drying. Need to add some contrast medium to basilicanum grey to tone it down. Washes are typically used to shade a base colour, such as Agrax Earthshade over a Khorne Red base coat, or Nuln Oil over Leadbelcher.While I certainly do that as well, depending on the colour scheme, I also use the shade as my primary colour, essentially . Rob thinks he got the best flow using theregularold matte medium(right) that can be purchased in bulk (above). You can see that, generally speaking, the Grey Seer primer puts out a darker hue, while Corax White has the most vibrant and bright color. Now, gently pour the paint from your Citadel paint pot into your dropper bottle. P.O. Contrast VS Airbrush - Contrast paint update! - YouTube Darren Latham on Instagram: "Hi all, after seeing that a new Blood Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. 25 new paints is a lot of colour to cover, so weve split the range into four simple categories to help you get an idea of what they look like. Results dont look great for me personally. You Give Goonhammer Writers Serotonin. Perditius 4 yr. ago The canon Black Templar scheme is changing to hot pink with a yellow trim. I recommend adding a light silver paint such as Stormhost Silver or Shining Silver Warpaint for creating highlights. New Warhammer 40k Scented Candles (including Nurgle). Alchemy metallic paints from Scale 75 are more pastel in comparison, and even Green Stuff World cant beat the vibrancy of the new metallic Warpaints. I wanted to darken the metal more, especially in the recesses, but leave a bit of the Leadbelcher showing through on the raised spots. That means the price per ml is 0,153 Euro / 0.138 for metallic Warpaints, and 0,30 Euro / 0.23 for Citadel, almost double. I painted up a few to see which colors I liked best, using some red if I want Heresy colors and some blue if I want more modern colors. Trouble is, I always prime black, so all my unpainted models are black. Leadbelcher base, plus Necron Compound drybrush to brighten it up. When applied, Iron Warriors is about two shades darker than Leadbelcher. You can use it to lighten up any metallic paint, see the example with Gemstone red metallic paint above. The main attraction of 40k is the miniatures, but there are also many video games, board games, books, ect. I'm in a similar bind. It applies shading through gravity pulling dark pigments down through a thick medium is a longer version. One coat makes it look light gray, the 2nd coat makes it lose edge highlight and makes it shiney in places. Gemstone: A deep metallic red, mix it with Fairy Dust or light golden paints like Citadels Liberator Gold to create highlights. The Legion/Chapter and Clan Company markings on the shoulder pads, the battlefield role on the left knee, and the Squad number on the right knee (Guillimans Codex is really more guidelines than hard and fast rules for these guys) are Leadbelcher highlighted with Model Air Silver. Carefully use your hobby clippers to snip the plastic; no need to waste paint on the first step. 15mL is a great start but can be a little small when transferring Citadel Contrast paints, so if thats the majority of your collection, youll want the 30ml droppers. No adverts like this in the forums anymore. Yeah, I almost went with that (I'm mostly using Heresy models and saying they're time lost) but I don't want to start my beasties over to match. During his coming of age on Medusa, Manus fought and killed some kind of robot, long hinted to be a Necron construct, and in doing so ended up with his arms and hands covered in the silvery metal of its necrodermis.