8, Issue 4, pp. (This coincided with the annexation of Hawaii as a U.S. territory in congressional votes in June and July of the same year.) What historical event or imperialist practice is this referencing? When rich tracts of gold were discovered, an influx of large numbers of British immigrants threatened to overturn Boer rule over these republics. 799820 (June 2000). The words "Striding from Cape Town to Cairo . the Prints and Photographs Reading Room. TR Center - From the Cape to Cairo - Theodore Roosevelt Center Colonial success is equated with chivalry and invincibility., A Union in the Interest of Humanity Civilization. U.S. Mans Burden William H. Walker, cover illustration,Life, March 16, 1899. Priests Horribly Tortured. London: Hurst and Blackett, 1900. The War Prayer begins with a preacher praising the nations just and holy war, and leading his congregation in praying for victory. 1345 (1902 December 10), centerfold. As the golden goose, Chinas perceived mass market was to be protected for free trade against takeover by increasingly assertive foreign powers. If you dont do it I shall have to., The First Duty. Explain the Sepoy rebellion and the reaction to this rebellion as detailed in the cartoon. LAC nsk 2021-10-04 create (1 card), Printed Ephemera Collection (Library of Congress) - Anti-Imperialist League (Washington, D.C.), Horrible nightmare of a worthy old gentleman. In this French cartoon from a special issue titled, La Guerre (War), a missionary and a Red Cross representative lament the violent and un-Christian behavior of Westerners overseas. Whom or what did you include or leave out of the image? Long-standing personifications and visual symbols for countries were used by cartoonists to dramatize events to suit their message. Each sign is topped by the word Wanted and the goods listed include trolley lines, electric lights, water-works, sewers, paving, asphalt roads, watches, clocks, wagons, carriages, trucks, 100,000 bridges, 500,000 engines, 2 million cars, 4 million rails, 100,000 RR stations, cotton goods, telegraph, telephone, stoves, lamps, petroleum, medicines, chemicals, disinfectants, 50 million reaping machines, 100 million plows, and 50 million sewing machines. Civilization & Barbarism: "The White Man's Burden" (1898-1902) "Major Grogan's Moves," EAS (15 November 1919), 7. The U.S. follows Britains imperial lead carrying people from Barbarism at the base of the hill to Civilization at its summit. Their uniforms are oddly reminiscent of the Revolutionary War that had seen them as bitter adversaries a little more than a century earlier. A Rival Who Has Come to Stay: Naval Power. If an image is displaying, you can download it yourself. Most viewers will probably agree that there is nothing really comparable in the contemporary world of political cartooning to the drafting skill and flamboyance of these single-panel graphics, which appeared in such popular periodicals as Puck and Judge. [Read Online]. Pages. Model students Hawaii and Porto Rico appear as docile girls learning their lessons. As the U.S. moved into the Pacific, Chinas millions represented an enticing new market, but the eruption of the anti-Christian, anti-foreign Boxer movement threatened the civilizing mission there. Rhodes measures with the telegraphic line the distance from Cape Town (at his right foot) in South Africa to Cairo (at his left foot) in Egypt, illustrating his broader "Cape to Cairo" concept for further colonial expansion in Africa. (Some images display only as thumbnails outside Shortly after Kiplings poem appeared, the consistently anti-imperialist Life fired back with a decidedly different view of the white mans burden on its March 16, 1899 cover: a cartoon that showed the foreign powers riding on the backs of their colonial subjects. The message suggests that the indigenous man will be brought out of ignorance through the inescapable march of progress in the form of Western civilization. 13, No. It evoked both the fact that the bulk of the U.S. force was made up of units from the Midwestern states. Although usually associated with the pro-expansionist proponents of civilization and progress, Puck on occasion turned a discerning eye on the double standards of Americas so-called noble mission in the Philippines and China. Egypt was the first among the Arab countries to establish an animation production. View Rhodes_cartoon_analysis+FINAL.docx from HIS 123 at Duval Charter School at Baymeadows. Good Will to Nobody., The Poet, the President & The White Mans Burden, Rudyard Kiplings poem that begins with the line Take up the White Mans burden was published in the United States in the February, 1899 issue of McClures Magazine, as the American war against the First Philippine Republic began to escalate. BritanniaDaughter! This French cartoon eschews the romantic presentation in the preceding Puckgraphic and casts a far more cynical eye on Anglo-American expansion as fundamentally a matter of conquest. What impact might this have on its perspective or bias? Though the Process Be Costly, The Road of Progress Must Be Cut," states that progress must be pursued despite suffering on both sides. In the background, the artist placed a large portrait of a large man, Marcus Hanna, next to a miniature of President William McKinley to show their relative influence on policy. The boats crossing their chests, labeled Suez Canal and Managua Canal, show the importance of efficient naval and shipping routes through their distended realms. The phrase became a trope in articles and graphics dealing with imperialism and the advancement of Western civilization against barbariansor as the poem put it, Your new-caught sullen peoples, Half devil and half child.. Do the Access Advisory or Call Number fields above indicate that a non-digital surrogate exists, 27-1-09 (July 6, 2009). Leur rve (Their dream). Numbers 14-15 and 18-20 wanting. Declaration of Independence:Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.. The message suggests that the indigenous man will be brought out of ignorance through the inescapable march of progress in the form of Western civilization. Un treillage de fer travers par un courant lectrique est la plus saine et la plus sre des cltures. 730-735 (2008). Designed using Unos. Twains most celebrated anti-imperialist essay, To the Person Sitting in Darkness, was published in the February, 1901 issue of the North American Review. and Distributor, 2004). Turning to China, his stinging indictment extended beyond the two Anglo powers to target the Kaisers Germany plus Tsarist Russia and France. If only black-and-white ("b&w") sources are listed and you desire a copy showing From Cape to Cairo: An African Odyssey - Goodreads Imperial Motives (answers from chart) Flashcards | Quizlet Girls are part of the obedient older class studying books labeled California, Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. The only non-white student in the older group holds the book titled Alaska and is neatly coifed in contrast to the unruly new class made up of the Philippines, Hawaii, Porto Rico, and Cuba. All are depicted as dark-skinned and childish. As Britain stepped up financial industries, shipping, and insurance to make up the deficit, global sea power took on additional significance. One cannot imagine a blunter caption than the one that accompanied his 1900 cartoon for Judge: And, after all, the Philippines Are Only the Stepping-Stone to China. In Flohris image, Uncle Samheavily laden with steel, railroads, bridges, farm equipment, and the likegives a cursory nod to the spread of civilization by grasping a book titled "Education" and "Religion. The confident giant is greeted with open arms by a diminutive yellow-clad Chinese mandarin. Source:Library of Congress. Original publication of Rudyard Kiplings poem, The White Mans Burden.. In the U.S., the 1860s Civil War generated suspicion that neutral Britain covertly supported the Confederacy. Does the artist portray imperialism in a positive or negative light? 'Explorers in Africa: To the Sources of the Nile') is a 1991 illustrated monograph on the European exploration of Africa. Each of the three major turn-of-the-century wars left a trail of contention in the visual record. N.Y.: J. Ottmann Lith. Thomas Theodor Heine. On November 29, 1892, while on a visit to London, Rhodes made a speech in which he dramatically announced that he intended to extend the Colony's telegraphic connections across the entire continent - not only to Lake Tanganyika and Uganda, but through the fundamentalist Islamic Sudan and all the way to British Cairo. Save the republic : Anti-imperialist leaflet no. Columbia and Uncle Sam pluck gifts from Our Christmas Tree, including law and order, technology, and education, for overseas territories Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Cuba, and the Philippines, condescendingly drawn as grateful children. 1898, Donaldson Litho Co. ), Is This Imperialism?: the Boxer Uprising. [Read Online]. Source:The Weimar Classics Foundation. Cartoonists portrayed Wilhelm II with increasing venom as a perpetrator of violence through World War I. The war with the Boers (who were ethnically Dutch and Afrikaans-speaking) took place in the South African Republic (Transvaal) and Orange Free State. Retrieved from the Library of Congress. The black-and-white drawing by William H. Walker captured the harsh reality behind the ideal of benevolent assimilation, depicting imperialists Uncle Sam, John Bull, Kaiser Wilhelm, and, coming into view, a figure that probably represents France, as burdens carried by vanquished non-white peoples. With little opposition, Allied troops foraged for food and water in deserted villages, where the few who remainedoften servants left to protect propertyusually met with violence. Skulls dot the landscape ahead in Lifes grim rendering. The Ohio State University Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum, CGACGA, The Ohio State University Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum, Theodore Roosevelt Center at Dickinson State University, CGACGA, The Ohio State University, Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum, William H. Walker Cartoon Collection, Princeton University Library, The Ohio State University Cartoon Research Library. Seated around them (left to right) are a feminized Russia, Turkey, Italy, Austria, Spain, and France. Heine used the pages of Simplicissimusto denounce the atrocious conduct of Prussian troops during the Allied intervention in China, where the German forces obviously took to heart Wilhelm IIs exhortation to show no mercy. Other graphic techniques were used by cartoonists to communicate this message. From the Cape to Cairo. I relegated an escort. (The artist signed his name on the grave on the lower right.). Translated from Russian. (The exception would be Manchuria, alternating between Russian and Japanese control in the coming years.) Name: Grady Lentz Rhodes cartoon analysis Figure 1.4: Imperialist, explorer and businessman Rhodes as a. In his right hand Rhodes holds a pith helmet with a rifle slung around his right shoulder. The Native: Ever since my home was burned to the ground and my wife and children shot.. Civilization and progress are inseparable, a train and telegraph drawn in her robes. Source:Library of Congress. In the centerfold of the August 16, 1899 issue of Puck, the not-so-cynical Keppler extended his feminization of global power politics to other great nations including a new arrival on the scene: Japan. Source: Widener Library, Harvard University, Left:Auto-Truck of Civilization and Trade, Progress, Force if Necessary, Cotton Dry Goods Education, Right:Boxer, 400 Million Barbarians, China, Civilization and barbarism meet as the headlight of Uncle Sams gun-mounted Auto-Truck of Civilization and Trade shines the light of Progress on China. Published during the Boxer uprisings against Westerners and Christians, the cartoon portrays China as a frenzied dragon under the control of a Boxer gripping a bloody sword and banner reading 400 Million Barbarians. In the balance of power between technological progress and primitive barbarians, the cartoon makes clear who must back up.. The laudatory rhetoric and imagery of a white mans burden and civilizing mission received a sharp rejoinder in a cartoon published by Life in April, 1901 under the title March of the Strenuous Civilization. In this sardonic rendering of the realities of imperialist expansion, a missionary leads the charge holding a Missionary Ledger. Immediately behind him march a sword-brandishing sailor carrying loot and a rifle-bearing soldier carrying booty. Science comes next, clutching lyddite, a high explosive first used by the British in the Boer War. [MORE], The Middle East as Seen Through Foreign Eyes, This resource was created by scholars at the University of Chicago and funded by the. Contemporary wars in the Philippines and Transvaal (the Boer War) comprise the foreground of the Think It Over battlefield. From the Cape to Cairo. Illustration shows Britannia carrying a large The caption, "From the Cape to Cairo. In Vebers rendering of Les Progrs de la Science (The Advancement of Science), Boer prisoners of war are being shocked by an electric fence to the amusement of British troops on the other side. Although Wilhelm II was famous for introducing the concept of a yellow peril, Germanys major colonial possessions were in Africa. Bickers, Robert A. and R. G. Tiedemann, editors (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2007).