Only those people, who are strong in their faith every day, are those people who will be My elect in heaven. Later, Sarah did have Isaac with a miracle, just as I performed a miracle in healing the leper of his leprosy. Jesus said: My people, you repeat the Centurions words at every Mass when you say: Lord, I am not worthy that you should come under My roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed. I was so pleased with this mans faith that he should be an example for all of you to follow in humble worship of Me. New Messages on After The Warning Website. Jesus said: My people, this Scripture about My displeasure over the fig tree without any fruit, is a sign to My faithful that I expect you to bear spiritual fruit in your actions. Trust in Me to have My angels protect you and provide for all of your needs., Jesus said: My people, I am still suffering on the cross as long as My faithful are suffering in any way. Jesus said: My son, you have been out evangelizing people so they could be converted for over 25 years. This will be your reward for being faithful to Me during the tribulation. Jesus said: (Luke 10:46-52) My people, the blind beggar, Bartimeus, called out to Me as the Son of David to heal him of his blindness. Keep your focus more on Me and doing things for Me as much as you can. If NATO and America do not come to the aid of a Russian invasion of the Ukraine, then Russia will continue to keep invading countries that used to be part of the old Soviet Union. You can enter My refuges if you have a cross on your forehead. The best preparation for My Warning is to come to frequent Confession so you could have a clean soul. If I was in person at My tabernacle, you would come more often. You need to pray that wars do not start in the Ukraine or in Taiwan. Jesus said: My people, you have read the Genesis account of how Abraham kept bargaining to lower the number of good people needed from 50 down to ten just people. Give some of your refuge messages to explain the need for My refuges. Here are some important messages we copied and pasted from Johns website. You could use your time a little better by coming to Adoration of Me instead of your football distraction. Jesus said: My people, for many hours I am alone in the tabernacle, and only a few people come to honor Me. He is a Son of King David through my ancestry. When I am placed in a monstrance, more people worship Me at special prayer hours. When you need healing, you can come to Me with this same strong faith as the Centurion., Jesus said: My people, a time is coming when My people will face strong persecution for believing in Me. New Messages to Prophet John Leary! New Messages on After the Use your Camp Chef in your sun room to bake your bread with your propane, and use your rechargeable batteries in your electric lamps for light at night. So before I call you home to your judgment, make the best use of your time with prayer and good deeds., Prayer Group: This could avoid seeing any mini-judgment to hell. I love all of you so much that I died on the cross to save you from your sins. By trusting in Me and your obedience to My laws, you will be rewarded in heaven with Me for all eternity., (Memorial Mass for Uncle Bill) Uncle Bill said: I am happy to be with my deceased family members, but I am sad that I had to leave Melinda, my daughters, and the rest of the family behind. Trust in your natural immunity which fights off the virus better than the shots., Tuesday, November 30, 2021: (St. Andrew) This is why coming to monthly Confession will prepare you for your coming Warning., Jesus said: My people, I want you to be prepared if you lose your electricity, so you can have light at night with flashlights, oil lamps, or other light sources. He will be spending a short time in purgatory. Appendix 99: Descent Into Hell: CIA MKULTRAs Torture Doctors Give thanks to Me for all that I do for you., Prayer Group: When the evil ones release the next deadly virus, many vaccinated people could die. At the end of the Antichrists reign, I will bring My Comet of Chastisement down on the earth, and all of the evil ones will be killed and cast into hell. You remember the Blue Army well because you started your own prayer group as a Fatima cell, and you just celebrated your 49th anniversary for your prayer group. Jesus said: My people, you are starting a new season of Advent in preparation for Christmas. Saturday, November 27, 2021: Jesus said: My people, today is the last day of the Church Year before you start Advent tomorrow. This burning of bodies was unbearable as I stopped the vision. WebWeb site full of content created by a Spanish artist how fight for his dreams. You are seeing some conflicts in how the number of flu cases are being reported. This is why the relics of St. Peter and St. Paul had more effect on the demons because My saints of the Church had authority over the demons by My power to cast out demons., Jesus said: My people, there are some people who desire to own rich looking things, as gold necklaces. Then when the wind and floods came, his house was totally ruined. Be prepared to come to My refuges when the communists could take over your country.. Do not take any Covid vaccine that could kill you in a few years. Pray for your people to reject communist teachings, and work to change what is being forced on your children., Jesus said: My people, if you want to see the future of your Church, just look how only a few young adults are coming to Mass on Sunday. In the two healing requests for the paralytic and the Centurions daughter, they both had a strong faith that I could heal them. I cast out the demons from the men, and their number was about two thousand. Trust in Me to lead you to My refuges when your lives are threatened., Jesus said: My people, I have warned you about the possibility of the evil ones bringing a worse Covid virus that could cause vaccinated people to die quickly. Putin is claiming a red line against NATO if they put missiles or troops in the Ukraine. Give thanks and praise for your gift of faith which will be rewarded in heaven., Jesus said: My people, you have been given many lies about the Covid virus and the Covid vaccines. Have trust in My protection and faith that I can multiply your food, water, and fuels at your refuges., Jesus said: My people, Russia has troops massing along the Ukrainian border. The men were freed from the demons, and they were told to return to their homes. Your jobs are being threatened by a vaccine mandate that will kill you, and you should not take it. This vision was crystal clear. Jesus said: My people, todays Gospel speaks about loving your enemies and sharing what you have with them. The angel led Tobiah to use the fish oil on Tobits eyes and the salve which allowed Tobiah to strip the cataracts off of Tobits eyes. It does not take much money to stock up on three months worth of food. There are hackers who can shut your web sites down, or keep you from using the internet. This is a wonderful story of healing cataracts which is a problem today that many people have to have operations to see clearly. You are seeing a good number of vaccinated people having health problems, and some are dying from the vaccines. The lesson is that when you pray to Me and believe that I can heal you, you will see your prayers answered in My way. I have been showing you possible grid failures, water shortages, and even bank failures. St. Raphael sent the evil demon back to hell so Tobiah and Sarah could live in peace. Sunday, February 26, 2023: (First Sunday of Lent) Jesus said: My people, I want you to see the comparison of the temptation of the first Adam with the new Adam in Me. You have seen your older messages about a deadly yellow substance that will be spread after the Warning and the conversion time. Once I have renewed the earth, I will call My faithful down into My Era of Peace. I reach out to save souls, and I pray people are listening to My words. WebThe 2021 Triple J Hottest 100 was announced on 22 January 2022. You know that I will help you with your needs by trusting in My care for you., (Ron Huber memorial service) Jesus said: My son, you remember Ron years ago when you saw him at the Blue Army prayer group. WebJohn Holland Feb 2020 - Apr 20211 year 3 months Perth, Australia Claremont Station Project. The vaccinated people have had their immune system ruined by the spike protein in the Covid shots. If My faithful are short of food before you come to My refuges, I will multiply your food if you pray to Me in faith., Jesus said: My people, the evil ones will release a new deadly virus after My Warning, and this could kill many vaccinated people. Pray that the vaccinated people can be healed with the Good Friday oil, the exorcism water with the miraculous medal, or at My refuges., Jesus said: My people, many of you do not understand how deadly the Covid vaccines are, and you should not take them, or you could die within two years, or when the next virus is released. John Leary My refuge angels will only allow My believers to enter My refuges of safety. After the Warning, you need to work hard to convert your family members to a true belief in Me, so they can receive the cross on their foreheads. john leary COVID-19 topics and emotional frames in vaccine hesitation: A You all are too valuable to Me to leave you alone without help. Filed Under Messages | Comments Off, Thursday, June 24, 2021: (The Nativity of St. John the Baptist) You will be living together at My refuges after the Warning and your six weeks of conversion. You can bear fruit when you pray for your intentions. Tom O'Leary - The Moment Maverick & Chief Coaching Officer You need to repent of your sins, and confess them at least once a month in Confession to the priest. Keep praying for this mans deliverance., Jesus said: My people, I have warned you not to take the toxic Covid vaccines because you could even die from them. Keeping warm during the winter will be just one of your needs, but your heating would keep you alive from freezing to death. You know the devil is a liar, and his evil workers are also liars. You may want to have someone help you in the video taping. You know they are evil by their evil actions, and they are like the rotten tree that bears rotten fruit. Jesus said: My people, you are seeing the beginning of the vaccine mandates that will be getting so bad, that I will soon have to bring My Warning and the refuges to save your lives. By loving everyone, you will gain your salvation., Prayer Group: You will have a life review of all of your good and bad actions in your life. Trust in Me and My angels to protect you and provide for your needs., Tuesday, June 1, 2021: (St. Justin) Avoid the big Covid vaccine lie that you will return to normal. Readers recommend the best books to raise your CFO leadership Jesus said: My people, there are many places where you feel out of your comfort zone with different groups of people. Jesus said: My people, when I or God the Father tells you something is about to happen, you need to take heed, even if it seems impossible to the normal course of events. Once you look beyond the world, you can accomplish the mission I have for you. Refuse to take the Covid shots because they will ruin your immune system, and vaccinated people could die from the next deadly virus. Michel Message from St. Gabriel On the night of March 17 to 18, 2021, the Angel of the Lord (later I I have been wanting you to think of this food storage as food insurance. I told you before that I would bring My Warning before this deadly virus would be released. Only My believers with a cross on the forehead will be allowed into My refuges. Use your Good Friday oil or the exorcism water with the miraculous medal on vaccinated people so they will not die., Jesus said: My people, you are seeing Russia and some countries divesting themselves of dollar related investments. Those people, who do not believe in Me and do not repent of their sins, will suffer much, and they could be lost in hell. Some areas are even seeing electrical failures as air conditioning is putting a strain on the electric grid. Tuesday, September 7, 2021: Jesus said: My son, you have been out evangelizing people so they could be converted for over 25 years. Your guardian angel will put a shield of invisibility over you as you leave your home for your protection. (Luke 1:46-55) Canticle of Mary: My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, my spirit rejoices in God my Savior for He has looked with favor on His lowly servant. Some people are even dying from heat strokes. But if a man hears My word and does not act on them, then he will be like one who built his house on sand. These demon possessed people harassed anyone traveling by. There are evil people who try to steal bank accounts and other credit card information, so be careful with your personal information. Then Tobit could see his son again, and Sarah, Tobiahs wife, was welcomed into Tobits house. I keep warning people to stock up on three months food for every family member, or those people, who do not, could face starvation. I showed you a vision of dead bodies lying around, who represented the dead vaccinated people. I will lead you to solve your problems, if you would just Follow Me., Jesus said: My people, in the past Democratic Administrations very little money was increased on your Defense spending. Your life is here today and gone tomorrow, meaning that your life is but a few years amidst eternity. There are more possessed people than you think because they can hide in their silence. You will be returned to your bodies, and My believers will be called to the safety of My refuges., Jesus said: My people, I have warned you in previous messages that I would give everyone an inner locution when it is time to come to My refuges. People, who get the Covid virus, survive and have natural antibodies to fight diseases without a vaccine. The vaccinated people can be healed using the Good Friday oil, the exorcism water with the miraculous medal, or by being a believer and getting healed at a refuge. Now you are doing your Zoom Conferences. Christian Prophecy Today Prophet John Leary - Messages from These are the same evil ones who are trying to reduce the population with their man-made viruses and toxic Covid shots that they are using to kill people. Meanwhile, many people remain hesitant or This will be a travel that you have not done for quite a while. You will have other needs for food, water, and your daily Holy Communion. Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus During the tribulation of the Antichrist, I will provide refuges for My faithful, and My angels will protect them from the evil ones. Pray a novena and the St. Theresa prayers for a successful video., Jesus said: My son, you need to check all of your equipment to see that it is in working order. He is a father and grandfather. what does x subscript 0 mean in physics; mystery cookies strain leafly; arkansas baptist buffaloes men's basketball roster; stanley alpert wife; Menu. Their influence is increasing all over the world. The unvaccinated people will be further harassed by Biden in his evil effort to get everyone vaccinated with the poisonous Covid shots. He fulfilled his mission as one crying out from the desert that people should repent of their sins and be baptized by immersion in the water of the Jordan River.