. Our content is under copyright law. 23. Isaiah 41:10, We must have faith. We have over 200 books by Dr D. K. Olukoya, Dr Stella and other anointed men of God to empower you and teach your hands to war and your fingers fight. Try it today. They includes: marital storm, financial storm, ministry storm, health storm, business storm, academic storm, etc. 15. These storms are often controlled by the power of marine witchcraft to cause the downfall of a man. Anointing of good news and good reports, fall upon me in Jesus name. Father, expose every secret, responsible for delay of prosperity, in the name of Jesus. Every attack to create chaos in my health, I destroy it by the fire of the Holy Ghost. 50 Powerful Prayers Against Evil and How To Stay Safe - Trivia Faith Blog Hence, I seek your deliverance from it. Instead, its continually on the increase daily. Although he often uses the minds of vulnerable and ungodly human beings to attack other humans, he still is the originator of evil wind. Father Lord, I come against every evil attack of the enemy over my life. Our text for this topic is found in the book of Ephesian 6:16, it says Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench the fiery darts of the wicked, You can also read Psalm 64:7 and Psalm 91:5 for better understanding of this topic. John 6:7 21; Mark 4:35 41; Acts 27:1 -44; Psa. DAY 4 PRAYER POINTS: O Strong and Mighty West Wind of God: BLOW AGAINST and WIPE OFF every devourer locust feasting on my fruitfulness, my harvest and my financial breakthrough: DEVOUR THEM by your SCORCHING POWER!!! Isaiah 28:18 Your covenant with death will be annulled; your agreement with the realm of the dead will not stand. 27. About possible consequences you can read here: What are the consequences of copyright infringement? 24. Every demonic conspiracy assigned to waste my efforts in life, scatter unto desolation, in the name of Jesus. Check, You can also prevent evil winds from blowing in your direction by having a good knowledge of the Word of God and confessing it regularly, To prevent evil winds, you must flee from everything representing unrighteousness 1, To prevent evil wind, you must be at peace with all men, Oh Lord I thank you for your mercies and your faithfulness upon my life and my family, Oh Lord I thank you for your power, your strength and your peace upon my life, thank you for not allowing the enemy have his way in my life and family, be thou exalted in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Oh Lord I ask for your mercy in all ways I have exposed myself and my family members to satanic sponsors of evil winds, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. O God my Father, in the presence of those who are waiting to see what you can do for me, demonstrate your power that they may know that you can do all things, in the name of Jesus Christ. And when they had sent away the multitude, they took him even as he was in the ship. By the grace of God, Evangelist Joshua has been interpreting dreams since he was 12 years old and till now. 3. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. Confession: Despite all the contrary wind of life, I shall reach my goal in Jesus Name (7x) Lord, I ask for a release of your fire on all enemies assigned to pull me backward. Let your name be exalted in the name of Jesus. Or have you noticed recently that your career, business are no longer bringing you huge profit and peace of mind like it used to? 11. 30 Strong Prayer Points Against Evil Winds - Daily Prayers Goodness and progress, that has never happened in my fathers house, come upon me, in the name of Jesus. Read and meditate on the word of God regularly. Whatever you have seen that appears to be interfering with your emotional well-being, physical well-being, mental well-being, or even martial well-being might be categorized as Evil wind. Holy Spirit, I thank you for your unending mercies in my life. Do not let my heart be drawn toward evil. I declare that I do not live my life according to the patterns laid down by the devil. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for answered prayers. I stay in the strong tower which is the name of the Lord. 9. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); List Of 40 Powerful Prayer Points Against Demonic Attacks: 30 Powerful Prayer Points For Goliath Must Fall. 13. Proper acknowledgment include, but not limited to (a) Proper referencing in the case of usage in research, magazine, sermons, (b) FAIR USE in the case of re-publication on online media or offline. Lord Jesus, I ask that you destroy every evil pattern of failure in my family with your power. 24. Prayer Points Against Territorial Spirits - Blogger Lord, I am tired of waiting for so long, remember me by your mercy, move me forward and lift me upward in Jesus name. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, I pronounce that every home adversary who is secretly plotting evil against my family, the evil you are plotting for us shall be your part. Gracious God, your word says that everything I lose on earth is loosed in heaven. 7. 21. PRAYER POINTS 1. 39. In the great name of Jesus Christ, I demand every bad wind sponsored against the peace of this nation to destroy its sponsors. Every evil wind blowing against my marital peace and fulfillment, I command you to be still now, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 29. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, I cancel the evil wind that has been programmed to blow against me in the future, and I demand the programmer to go insane immediately. Hence, hes deploying every means possible to multiply the evil in the world. 6. Hence, Im calling upon you to deliver me from a faulty and satanic foundation. 36. It brings a helpless situation, It shattered the hope of a man to pieces. 7. May the Lord be glorified since I have triumphed. Every curse of dryness upon my land, break by the blood of Jesus in Jesus name. I come against every attack to scatter my family in the name of Jesus. Rather, He has promised to be with us in the storm. Lord Jesus, I ask for the spirit of discernment to recognize your voice as well as be able to distinguish it from the voice of the devil. 3. By the word of the Lord, I will not see wind, I will not see rain, yet my valley shall be filled with water in Jesus name. Make me pure and restore the right spirit within me. Prayer Point Against Evil Powers - MFM Dangerous Prayer Points Serpents and scorpions on assignment against me, bite and sting your senders, in the name of Jesus. 26. Lord Jesus, I come against an attack of poverty. Prayer to Seal Your Victory Over the Enemies. Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Fear. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. Youre my great defender, therefore I pray that you defend me from those whose daily goal is to harm me. 32. 13. 2. Spiritual Meaning of Hearing Knocking Many Times, Spiritual Meaning of Hitting Your Toe/Foot Against A Stone, About Evangelist Joshua Orekhie Ministries, Kindly watch Evangelist Joshua on Youtube, PRAYER POINTS TO OVERCOME THE STORM OF LIFE, PRAYER POINTS AGAINST EVIL STORMS TO STOP, PRAYER POINTS TO SURVIVE THE STORM OF LIFE. Dear Gracious God, thank you for your ability to save and deliver all those who are oppressed. Evangelist Joshua Orekhie is a servant of God gifted in spiritual gifts of prayers and dream interpretations. Let the wicked fall into their own nets, while I escape in Jesus name. Amen. 25. 24. Everything done against me to spoil my joy this year, be destroyed, in the name of Jesus. The power in Jesus name has made us more than conquerors, as it is written that greater is HE that dwells in us than he(devil) that lives in the world (1 John 4:4-6). Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Storm is a violent disturbance of the atmosphere with strong winds and usually rain, thunder, lightning or snow. Prayer Against Evil - 5 Prayers Against Satanic Attack - Crosswalk.com 1. Help me to shut out every other voice thats not yours. All contrary wind assigned to bring evil to my doorstep; attack your sender in Jesus name. Blood of Jesus, fertilise my destiny and move me forward, in the name of Jesus. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. I thank you because you have not allowed the plans of my enemies to prevail over me. 3. Every evil wind blowing against the marriages in our society, making young couples become divorced, we command such wind to be still now, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Not all storms are orchestrated by God, obviously devil and your self mistake could trigger it. The world we live in is no doubt a place where theres no end to evil. Emptiers and wasters, hear the word of the Lord, your time of operation is over in my life today in Jesus name. Holy God, the scripture tells me that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they are mighty for the pulling down of strongholds. Oh Lord, I thank you for your power, strength, and peace in my life; thank you for not letting the adversary to have his way in my life and family; glorify thee in the great name of Jesus Christ. Your prayer requests will be looked unto for intercessory. To calm a storm of life means to resolve, overcome, to take authority, to maintain peaceful moment. 250 Prayer Points Against Inherited Family Battles You can submit your prayer request here, and we will interfere on your behalf. Every evil water, washing away my breakthroughs, dry up, in Jesus name. 70 Prayer Point Against Evil Report (2021 Guide) I. receive the goodness of the Lord, in the land of the living, in the name of Jesus. In the powerful name of Jesus, I demand every evil oppressor to yield and collapse. Every gate blocking the blessings of my helpers, be lifted now in Jesus name. Dear God, I also ask that you help to start appreciating the things you have blessed me with. It was a moment of great joy. In the great name of Jesus Christ, I demand any evil altar financing bad winds against my business and career to be destroyed by the wind you have sponsored against me. O! Lord Jehovah, Self-Existent One, today as I walk on Your beautiful earth, deliver me from the spirit of fear. SCRIPTURES: In the name of Jesus, I command that every wind of darkness blowing against the tree of joy in my life be quiet. Every strange storm making me to lose important things of my life, be calm and still, in the name of Jesus. 7. The scripture commands me to declare a thing and it shall be established. 4. Anti- success contrary wind affecting my progress die by fire in Jesus name. Prayer is one of the most powerful weapons against evil desires, spiritual attacks. It refers to how you construct a more favorable environment. Be alert, for your opponent, the devil, walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whose he may devour. Despite the fact that he frequently utilizes the brains of defenseless and ungodly humans to harm other humans, he is nonetheless the source of bad wind. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. At a point, God allows Satan to torment Job to test his faith, but he forbids Satan to take Jobs life in the process. And there arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship, so that it was now full. You wind of affliction against my life, disappear now in Jesus name Destroy every ancestral spirit sent to stand in the way of my progress. PRAYER POINTS AGAINST THE STORM OF LIFE - EvangelistJoshua.com You environmental contrary wind against the work of my hand and home, scatter by fire in Jesus name. Dear Jesus, I declare that Im not bound by the voice of stagnation and affliction. We work really hard to put a lot of efforts and resources in our content with original and highly quality articles. 7. Every attack of the enemy on my childrens health, I destroy it in the name of Jesus. 15. My enemies are plotting against me and have gone astray from your words and teachings. Thou power that troubled the Egyptians, trouble my enemies, in the name of Jesus. Thank you, Lord, for the redemption of my soul; thank you, Lord, for the breath of life; be exalted in the name of Jesus. Contents within this website is for only to edifying the body of Christ and solution site to all spiritual problems and registered with government. Whatever it may be, the power of God shall remove them from your life, in Jesus name. There are various storms that confronts people on a daily basis. Any strange animal or insect buried inside of me to torment me, come out by fire, in Jesus name. Prayer against the spirit of blockage and barriers O you Prince of Persia opposing my blessings, fail in Jesus name. I declare that Im not burdened by the appearance of evil, because youre in control of everything that concerns me. Thanksgiving Prayer Points December Practical Prayer Assignment. 2 Timothy 4:18 The Lord will rescue me from all evil attacks and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom. Every stronghold, Lord, let it vanish at the sound of Your great name! I paralyze every agent of shame and disgrace in any area of my life, in Jesus name. 22. 19. 2. Please call: +2348099828623. You powers from the sea afflicting my star, today is your end, be crushed to death, in Jesus name. The scripture says God will supply all my needs according to his riches in glory through Christ Jesus. Any river goddess crying against my marital breakthrough, die by fire, in Jesus name. Father, I ask that you deliver me from the wrong partner that Ive entangled myself with. 30 Prayer Points Against Evil Winds - Bible and Prayers 11. Colossians 1:10 So that you may live a life worthy of the lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing fruit in the knowledge of God. Prayers to uproot satanic deposit and witchcraft pollution 51:1-end (note v.1). In the name of Jesus, I place Shields of Faith over the minds of those persons to protect against infiltration from end-time mind control. Mobile:07904191715 Office Number:020 37124640 Email:smax3ddesignstudio@gmail.com Prayer Points Against Evil Plots | PRAYER POINTS Today we will be engaging ourselves with prayer points against evil plots. Contrary wind that had swallowed my blessing, progress and goodness, vomit them in Jesus name (Pray very well) In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, I pronounce that any wicked wind planned against my health in the future shall not stand, but shall return and harm those who have sent you today. Father, remember mercy and not sacrifice: send new rains to me now in Jesus' name. Thou wind of the Almighty God, arise and swallow contrary wind programme against my rising in Jesus name. Father Lord, the scripture says my body is the temple of the Lord; hence, no infirmity should defy it. 2. You say to be strong and courageous. Every evil wind programmed against my health in the future, I decree that you shall not stand, go back and trouble those who have sent you now, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Any witchcraft meeting assigned against me in the water, scatter, in the name of Jesus. Mark 4:40, Mark 11:22-23. Every plan and expectations of demonic oppression against me, perish, in the name of Jesus. May the Lord break every evil attachment in your life, in the name of Jesus. The scripture says Christ has bare upon himself all our infirmities, and he has healed all our diseases. 8. The conspiracy of the devil to bring me down shall come to naught. Psalm 71:4 Deliver me, my God, from the hand of the wicked, from the grasp of those who are evil and cruel. 5. 17. Lord grant me to an open heaven and honour me with PROVISION from heaven in Jesus name. I decree peace be still to every storm blowing against my health in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I decree peace be still to every wind blowing against my marriage, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I decree peace be still to every wind blowing against my academics, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I decree peace be still to every story blowing against my finances, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I decree peace be still to every wind blowing against my blessings, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I frustrate every gang up of the enemy concerning my career and destiny, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I decree that evil wind shall not blow against my children, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Evil wind that has been programmed to blow against me in future, I cancel that satanic programming now and I command the programmer to run mad now, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. There are different kinds of warfare strategies and prayers and this is one of them. 4. 34. My star and my glory, refuse to be silenced; speak, in the name of Jesus. 30 Prayer Against Evil Pronouncement | PRAYER POINTS - prayerguide document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); List Of 30 Strong Prayer Points Against Evil Winds: 30 Healing Prayer Points Against Body Pain. Thirty (30) Deliverance Prayer Points to BlastEvil Foundations With In Genesis 21:1-23:20, The Bible makes us to understand that Abraham certainly faced storms in his life. 107: 15 43 (note vs. 25-35); Luke 8:22 25; Psa. Jesus, joy of all generations, glory to your mighty name. You must pray fervently and aggressively, and all of their abilities will be made null and worthless as a result of your prayers. Let the sea open and swallow the enemy of my laughter, joy, happiness, in Jesus name. Dear God, you know how ungodly jealousy always seems to get the best of me. If youre looking for the best Bible verses to help you through your storms, heres a collection of the words of God to encourage you to hold on. 107:23-30; Deut 9:1-6; Gen. 39:45 (story of Joseph); Psa. Every Contrary wind, sponsored by household witchcraft against my welfare, evaporate by fire in Jesus name You follow-follow spirit depart from me in the Name of Jesus 3. 18. As you may have guessed Im extremely enthusiastic about prayer. Amen. Amen. 21. Every witchcraft rage against my next level, cease in Jesus name. Therefore, I ask that all evil activities in my life become powerless. Almighty and Everlasting God, thank you for your mercy over my life. Father by your mighty hand let every wind in my life come to an end now, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Oh Lord by your power disconnect my family from every sponsor of evil wind, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Every evil personality standing in darkness to sponsor evil wind against my marriage, Father expose them and disgrace them in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Every force of darkness that has been hired in order to blow evil wind in my direction this season, I command you to be destroyed suddenly, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. (LogOut/ Prayers: 1. Drinking was his storm. Deliverance Prayers Against Evil Patterns | Ministry - Upper Room Fire In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, I command that every wind blowing against my academics be still. in the name of Jesus. 6. 3. PRAYER POINTS FOR ENEMIES OF PROGRESS 1. 2. 18. Quench every fiery rage targeted against my life. In the name of Jesus, open the way for me where the powers of evil have closed the entrance. I forbid any satanic backlash or retaliation against me and my family in the name of Jesus. Let me fear no mere mortal or be intimated by any person's presence. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); NEXT LEVEL COMPLEX 142, Akowonjo Road, Sobo Bus Stop Egbeda. And there were also with him other little ships. No matter how powerful is the situation, the power of God is enough to deal with it permanently and rise no more. I cut off the flow of any inherited problems prospering in my life, in the name of Jesus. Deliverance And Prayers Fire With Dreams Interpretation Ministry - Copyright 2010 - 2020 Evangelist Joshua Orekhie. Father, remember mercy and not sacrifice: send new rains to me now in Jesus name. Any wicked power monitoring me in order to destroy my destiny, you are a liar, die in the Name of Jesus 4. 30:23-24; Jer. Go out for evangelism for 7 days during this period and preach about FAITH. Come out with all your roots in the powerful name of Jesus, every result of demonic incisions, sacrifice, curse, and initiation onto my life. Any area of my life obeying contrary situations begin to disobey now in Jesus name. Winds assume spiritual and supernatural dimensions when a spirit being operates by taking on the image or nature of the wind. Abba Father, youve shown me that I have a job that is so wrong for me. 23. (113) Every spiritual bastard pursuing my destiny, die, in Jesus name. In Jesus name, my hand will not be weakened on the day of battle. Also, evil wind can be sent against a person through incantation, enchantment, and divination or spell from satanic personalities (Numbers 22, Numbers 23:23), however, we have a greater power that supersedes all powers of the earth: this is the power in the name of Jesus Christ. Power of God. My miracles, wherever you are, I command you to come forth, in the name of Jesus. Any ancestral bondage presently operating in the lives of my family, break by fire, in the name of Jesus. In Jesus name, I command that every suffering that enters my life and destiny be consumed by fire. I come against every attack of sickness over my life in the name of Jesus. Lord, as you anointed Daniel with the spirit of excellence that every effort of the enemy to frustrate his breakthrough became futile, I pray that you will anoint me children for excellence in the name of Jesus. 13. The Spirit of Peace. Any human agent that is happy with the state of my present situation, O God arise and judge them accordingly, in Jesus name. Let the blood of Jesus rebuke every storm of life challenging my faith, in the name of Jesus. Herbalist, witches and sorcerers behind contrary wind in my life, die by fire in Jesus name. 12. 11. Evil wind of darkness, I am not your candidate, release me by fire, in Jesus name Blood of Jesus destroy every witchcraft food in my blood in Jesus name. 4. 30 Prayer Points Against Evil Winds Oh Lord I thank you for your mercies and your faithfulness upon my life and my family Oh Lord I thank you for your power, your strength and your peace upon my life, thank you for not allowing the enemy have his way in my life and family, be thou exalted in the mighty name of Jesus Christ I reject the power from the water that is blocking my spirit, in the name of Jesus. 34. Prayers to break witchcraft - Deliverance Chronicles Hence, I urge you to take the above 17 prayers for deliverance from evil fervently. Lord, my family, belongs to you, Jesus; therefore, no attack of the enemy should be able to break my home in the name of Jesus. 14. 1 John 5:4: For everyone born of God overcomes the world.