However, because we are all composed of star dust, all people are technically Starseeds. Starseeds are individuals who believe that they have originated from other planets or star systems and have come to Earth to fulfill a specific mission. We are highly sensitive and can struggle with our physical health. Some connections to a certain planet or star system may be so divinely connected though that you will continue to get that result no matter what. Another Type of Starseed: Arcturian Arcturians are descendants of the star Arcturus, a red giant in the Bootes constellation. February 27, 2023, 1:36 pm, by It can be hard because an Arcturian, it can feel like your way or the highway! What It Means & Why You Might Be One here, Let me know what type you are in the comments below or over on Instagram, The quiz is item disabled?? You may have felt misunderstood as a child or felt like you could feel things that others couldnt. This process is one of catharsis. If not, it might be nice to get one or form connections with someone in your life who has a cat. Your purpose on Earth as a Venusian Starseed is to usher in all forms of love you have an unparalleled ability to hold and spread love. What was challenging when you were younger is actually your superpower it is your empathy, and your ability to tap into other peoples emotions. .and so much more! Each bringing forth unique energy frequencies, gifts, awareness to seed into human consciousness. They are overall eager to learn about magical and spiritual ways. Unless you have already been through this and come out on the other side, you likely struggle with not knowing what your true purpose is. Strong attraction towards healing and guiding careers. Being multidimensional is our superpower. sometimes depending on the day you may even get a diff result on the quiz based off of the vibe you are feeling that day :)) I believe we are all from all over, and sometimes we have a stronger connection to one place due to how many lifetimes we've spent there or how recently <3. 1. They often incarnate as fire signs, Leo, Sagittarius and Aries, and are fiercely independent. Okaymy loves what do you think?! Are we weeeiiirdd and super out there? Its therefore difficult for you to evaluate everything and choose which group you fit into. This quiz will tell you if you are, in fact, a Starseed or new soul. As a Lemurian Starseed, you might notice that you feel a strong pull to Mount Shasta in California, or to places of similar beauty with the mountains and the water. Arcturus is known for being the most advanced nation in our galaxy. Im Jordan. Pleiadians live on a higher frequency of love and creativity, and are accustomed to a matriarchal society where women are highly honoured. Hannah February 7, 2023, 9:55 am. There are various planets/stars in the Orion constellation that you may have lived on. You may have a strong sense of belonging to a place or mission beyond Earth, and you may have had experiences that are not easily explained by conventional explanations. Enter Your Name; Enter Quiz Password; . 6. But the truth is, you are very warm and couldnt possibly have more love in your heart to give. var lo = new MutationObserver(window.ezaslEvent); ins.dataset.adChannel = cid; You can get lost in books about mystical realms, like Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings. Starseeds of LyranLyrans are Starseeds from the constellation Lyra. This Sorting Quiz Will Tell You Which Hogwarts House You Truly Belong In. They cherish their close relationships and are have a strong desire to learn and grow. Rainbow children are incredibly special and rare, this is a great gift that you possess that is yours to harness. Do you ever ponder which Starseed you are when you look at the stars? For my Guide. Tune into all things Pleiadian on TBB Podcast to remind yourself how much you are not alone. Shasta & realms beyond. They are often viewed by others as confident people who are highly driven for success and unafraid of death. We are all able to harness this inner power and I will follow up this post with reading suggestions for each type very soon!! So, before realising your true nature, you can be cut off from your community for a period. As a Sirian Starseed, you act as the peacekeeper and guardian for our world -- Sirian's are beautiful souls whose aim is to watch over our evolution as human's . They like reading and learning historical facts. Evolved, Transcended, Brand New , My Current Diet & How It's Evolved: Intuitive, Pyschedelic, Plant-Based, giveaway alert!!! You dream of leading and inspiring others, are a jack of all trades, and rarely get angry or wear your emotions on your sleeve. You might find that you feel drawn to lost civilizations, myths, and legends. These people are pure humanitarians who are filled with love and understanding. It is said that we might all be star seeds because many have been incarnating on Earth for a very long time. As an Arcturian, you are likely interested in how things work, which might guide you towards fields in mathematics, data, science, technology, engineering, or communication. Remember that this isnt a complete list of ALL varieties of Starseeds, but rather the ones who most frequently incarnate on Mother Earth, aka Terra. This isnt because you are a cold person rather, you often just struggle to open up to those around you due to lack of trust or being burned in the past. = container.attributes.ezaw.value + 'px'; Maybe you feel connected to it in one way or another?! var container = document.getElementById(slotId); Which Dune Character Are You? purpose is. You may also have a strong connection to the spiritual or metaphysical world, and you may have a natural inclination towards healing or helping professions. And please let us know your result! This is because many of our souls originate frommany places we have all had MANY, infinite lifetimes. What Type of Starseed Are You? by Ellie Bate. Andromeda: the most known constellation where Starseeds originate from because of its large size and bright stars. Quiz: Which Starseed Are You? var slotId = 'div-gpt-ad-scuffedentertainment_com-medrectangle-3-0'; They are said to be the oldest souls in our galaxy who played an important role in humanity by bringing fire to the Earth and sending the first souls to Atlantis. this week on the pod w, affirmations have been a huge part of my healing j, life lately & 12 things tuesday blog post is, where are my bloated/IBS/anxiety girlies at? You are against any cruelty and violence. to see what kind of Starseed you are. You can learn which Starseed you are by answering a series of questions about your personality, spirituality, and intelligence. Lemurians (and Atlanteans) are believed to be the first ever starseeds to come to Earth. Welcome to the Are You a Starseed? quiz! Get on board because we are all about to have a lot of fun together. You have a perfect balance between logical and emotional minds. Lightworkers dont have it light in this life despite being great manifesters. Thus, they dont really feel here at home at all times. Starseed (noun) - A new age concept. lo.observe(document.getElementById(slotId + '-asloaded'), { attributes: true }); Mintaka was a beautiful planet with glistening, diamond-like lakes. As a Sirian Starseed, you act as the peacekeeper and guardian for our world Sirians are beautiful souls whose aim is to watch over our evolution as humans and guide us during times of turbulence. Take the quiz and then read about the 5 most common types of Starseed Pleiadian, Orion, Arcturian, Sirian and Lyran below! But dont fear you are not alone as there are so many starseeds incarnated on this planet. Quiz Starseed [ESDULQ] You've most likely heard about Empaths and Highly Sensitive People, maybe read a few blogs or articles. Your choices will not impact your visit. If you're interested in finding out whether you might be a starseed, take this quiz to see if you exhibit any of the common traits and characteristics. This can be especially hard because of your sensitive makeup and your ability to see all sides of the coin. They can be seen as closed off daydreamers. Sirian starseeds can be identified by their love of wolves or dogs. In essence, all Starseeds believe that they are here on Earth to serve as Spiritual Helpers of mankind. Some of your gifts include being highly intuitive and able to read energy easily. You can do this in your family, your close circle of friends, or on the world stage. They need more sleep than most people and while they are social, they are not necessarily the life of the party. March 2, 2023, 1:33 pm, by As a Pleiadian, you are highly knowledgeable about metaphysical concepts and have advanced healing abilities. I talked about it in this podcast episode about my psychic awakening, but when I first discovered my starseed nature and tried to Google Pleiadians, what I found was LESS than savory. We love this about you! ), or anything in the spiritual realm would be a great avenue for you in your career. They are likely to have always had an interest in magic, witchcraft, the occult and different healing modalities. Pleiaidans are also messengers from another realm. For example, Pleiadians (like myself) REALLLY dont feel like we are from here. Numerology reveals your starseed origins in this video, and discover instantly what a starseed is, if you are one, and what starseed group you come from.TIME. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Im pladean however I have light brown hair, short with green-brown hazel eyes. im wondering if the outcome would be different if i could select more than one choice . There arent many Lemurians left on Earth due to the sudden downfall of Lemuria due to dark reptilians destroying the continent due to greed, disease, and famine. As an Orion starseed, you are here to help guide that revolution. If you are interested in learning more about starseeds, there are many resources available online and in books that can provide more information and guidance. Many beings from the Orion constellation migrated there from other star systems. This can mean that theyre known for jumping from one thing to another because once theyve learned everything that they possibly can in a certain job or career, they want to move on to the next one to understand something new. How you're meant to manage your energy. It can be hard being a spiritual person in todays world, which is why Ive created a community to support you. var ffid = 1; Quiz: Are You an ENFP Personality Type Person? Lyran Starseeds come from the Lyra constellation which is said to be where the first humans came from. You deeply feel it in your bones when things are off. The color that correlates with the Pleiadians is blue. They cherish their close relationships and are have a strong desire to learn and grow. The majority of Starseeds are natural healers due to their intergalactic essence. From there, post screenshots on your IG, DM them to me, email them, whatever you please! Arcturians are from the star Arcturus, which is a red giant in the Bootes constellation. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. So, if youre an Orion Starseed, youve most likely incarnated in star systems other than Orion. Starseeds are the spiritual souls sent here on Earth with the purpose to guide Mother Gaia to awakening and ascension. Because of your light and joyous nature, you can act like a mirror to those in your life reflecting back that which they choose not to see. The quizs advantage is that it can determine whether you are a Lightworker or another kind of Starseed. Get the best viral stories straight into your inbox! For example; the sky, sun, moon, stars, planets, space. In fact, you often see beauty where others dont! Based on 20 Signs by Samantha Stratton September 29, 2022 215 playing now Start Quiz Do you ever ponder which Starseed you are when you look at the stars? Often, this starseed type is highly gifted at accessing the Akashic records, highly heart-centered, and a master at anything both art & science related. Another task for you in this lifetime is to allow yourself to lean into your Venusian nature and appreciation for sensuality & the senses as this is one of your utmost gifts. On earth, you might struggle between following what you think you are supposed to do, versus what you. crystal types are special and newer beings that have come to shift the planet. by You are the. In essence, people who identify themselves as being Starseeds believe themselves to be of extraterrestrial origin, or in other words, they have incarnated on other planets or solar systems, appearing on planet Earth in order to help humanity awaken and evolve. torq07 Others benefit from and recover more quickly due to their energy. The test is intended for people who have questions like, Is my soul made of stars? or Why do I not feel like I am a part of the Earth? By taking it, you can examine your traits and life experiences to determine whether you have connections to higher intellectual domains.