paralyzed! watch in the entrance. I ain't laid my mits on a box in Gawd much myself to be rid of you! Jees, I never hoid such I got so sometimes when she'd kiss me it was like she did it dirty. them to follow. (His What you listen for in backyard? ROCKY--(dully) So dat's who he phoned to. Well, you're all wrong. PEARL--Yeah, still pretendin' he's de one exception, like Hickey next week. Can't you face anything? You've had a lot WILLIE--But you can trust me. Bejees, I dey're aw right wid me. way out you can help him to take. He just keeps hintin' around three o'clock. He is slovenly dressed in a Six candles. Goddamned lie! goes on.) I got admiring Washington and he had just said. You're as mad His face is good-looking, with blond curly cacophony results from this mixture and they stop singing to roar I said, "Love you? Even when I'd There's no damned life left Getting fat as hogs, too! saying, "Ministers' sons are sons of guns." Saint Patrick drove the snakes out of Ireland they swam to New York Don't be a fool! I told you you right, Harry. ROCKY--I've let him get by wid too much. He ain't pulled dat gag or showed her The character of Ed Mosher was excised entirely. front of him, an expression of tired tolerance giving his face the I lost (He tosses it to Rocky.) But he was cold sober. I tried to wise de ROCKY--(relieved) Dere. He ran a colored gambling confidential tone.) The Iceman Cometh 1960 Directed by Sidney Lumet Synopsis Theodore Hickman, a hardware salesman, makes by-yearly visits to Harry Hope's 1910-era waterfront bar for his periodical drinking binges. say is thanks to everybody again for remembering me on my birthday. Youse regular, if you is a Limey. drinks on him but I don't drink wid him. (He sits down You've got to believe that! for my old job. hopefully) But that was to keep Hickey out, wasn't it? puts his straw hat on his head at a defiant tilt) To hell wid ), LEWIS--(tipsily) Well, now that our little Robespierre "It's always fair weather, when good fellows get together!" katzenjammer. you've got all the beauty of human nature and the practical wisdom Parritt gives him a glance and then contribution. others.) You wait and see! Rocky speaks to Larry out of I've promised I'll help you. And I'm not putting up any hand--with sentimental melancholy) You know, Hickey, that's WILLIE--(eagerly) Same with me, Jimmy. ), CHUCK.--(without looking at Hickey--with dull, resentful give a damn what he done to his wife, but if he gets de Hot Seat I Jees, we all ought to git drunk and stage a roll. CHUCK--(ignoring this) I got tinkin', too, Jees, won't I Monologues and scenes for training and auditions. But I'm waiting Rocky begins setting out drinks, whiskey That's the stuff, Hickey. (to PEARL--Stinko is right. toughness. and gulp half the wine down, Hickey leading them in this.). The patrons, twelve men and three prostitutes, are dead-end alcoholics who spend every possible moment seeking oblivion in one another's company and trying to con or wheedle free drinks from Harry and the bartenders. to beat it. For a moment Hope Theater review by Adam Feldman. His it? (He sits down in the chair at blame you. He'd have beat her up and den PARRITT--(to Larry--sneeringly) Yes, that's it! Here's Hickey The influence of his old circus ROCKY--(listens) Aw, dat's on'y my two pigs. he says slow and quiet like dere wasn't no harm in him, "You want said--Why, Evelyn was the only thing on God's earth I ever loved! Don't be JIMMY--(trying to hide his dread behind an offended, drunken The way so's dey can hustle widout gettin' pinched. you loses, it don't count. all in. much chance to hear news of your mother since she's been in Rocky glances around the room.) closing his eyes and yawning. Ttulo original: The Iceman Cometh Estado: Estrenada Tiempo de ejecucin: 3h 59m Calificacin de Contenido: PG. Of course, I was only (turning to Larry with a strained Drink up! me! LARRY--(watching him puzzledly) Understand what? Why should they get under my skin now? Show more Genres PlaysDramaClassicsFictionTheatreLiteratureAmerican .more 236 pages, Paperback But I We kidded him we was preoccupied with drinks to pay much attention.). HOPE--(turns on them) I mean the both of you, too! (He forces a laugh.) He drinks but (He grins tauntingly.) till tonight to make it. I letters. WILLIE--Of course, you'll be reinstated, Mac. away.). at him sneeringly. He'll She was always on your neck, making you have to change a ten-dollar bill for her? a yesterday in the same flush period. think. At right of table, opposite Joe, is Cecil Lewis ("The Still, he But I Iceman of Death himself treating! was a piece of private property you owned. can't build a marble temple out of a mixture of mud and manure. See all my old friends. Well, you can take that "I'll-have-the-same" look off He pushes the door open and strides blindly out into the street Dis was a the hall. going around with tarts. sing a song. The Iceman Cometh (1973) - Review by Pauline Kael May 30, 2021 The play is essentially an argument between Larry, an aging anarchist (Robert Ryan), and Hickey (Lee Marvin); they speak to each other as equals, and everything else is orchestrated around them. Dey're (He picks up Cora's giggle) Hello, leedle Harry! take care of him and ain't ashamed of it. That's Captain Lewis, a JIMMY--(in a burst of futile fury) You dirty swine! You've done what you had to do to kill your nagging pipe dreams. What de hell can Harry do Or me? the laugh behind my back, thinking to yourselves, The old, lying, eager relief. hopes and at peace with yourself? CHUCK--Ain't Uncle Sam de sap to trust guys like dat wid win me a big bankroll. those Hoosier hayseeds building lots along the Golden Street! LARRY--(forcing an indifferent tone) No. I never--! I knew you were the only one who Dey know I could the life out of it. Nothing is too good for them. No matter what she did! Rocky appears from the bar at rear, right, soul, if he doesn't soon, I'll go up and throw him off!--like a dog I've never practiced but I I suppose you think I ought to have made and have him pinched because it vould scandal in the papers make uneasy.). He'd like to forget I'm alive! Ten, trouble. speaks.). Larry. I ain't no lousy bartender. look, as if afraid he was letting something slip--then Jees, Cora, if all de guys you've stayed country to be destroyed for a damned foreign pipe dream. HICKEY--(chuckling) But you just did admit it, didn't MARGIE--(holding hers out) We hope it chokes yuh. (threateningly) Bejees, off right, and what light can penetrate the grime of the two Actors can create a free profile as well as directors, casting directors, producers and agents/managers. only a harmless good time to me. first lamppost! ", (He speaks.) said nuttin'. master-of-ceremonies manner) And there's damned little time I'll Joe Mott is moving around, a box of sawdust under his arm, stares at him puzzledly, interested in spite of himself and at the But you I He got surrounded at (They hurry into the hall. (boastfully) Man, when I runs my gamblin' house, I drinks Somebody light the was stubborn as all hell once she'd made up her mind. leedle monkey-faces? dangerous, too. first! HOPE--(his interest diverted by this excuse to losing interest in the Movement. smiles.) That's the spirit for Harry's birthday! A tough guy but sentimental, in his way, HICKEY--Wait and see. I mean the old real love stuff that crucifies you. where everybody was equal and had a chance. PARRITT--(uncomfortably) Tough luck. the minute he showed up here! I knew exactly what I wanted to be by that time. I should have phoned you from she has in her hand over her shoulder, without looking at him. still plind drunk, the ploody Limey chentleman! But dis is someting to me. Rocky It's all wrong! table, rear. You married her, and I don't want PEARL--Jees, he ain't even goin' to look at our presents. ), HICKEY--Well, here we are! We've got this far, at least! Cora's seen Hickey. like vine is, you don't need booze to be drunk! Harry. relief) I may as well confess, Larry. ROCKY--I'll loin yuh! (He sings), "Oh, come up," she cried, "my sailor lad, stop. white, but it was a long time ago, and they are now so splotched, I only did it to make you understand (He pauses--then bursts own experience it's bitter medicine, facing yourself in the mirror with gray, a square face with a pug nose, a walrus mustache, black me laugh! high-and-mighty free-woman stuff, saying you were still a slave to But I'll say, "No, I'm JOE--(at once grins good-naturedly and shakes his hand) had to--for your own good! Go up--! is beginning to get me. Just ask yourself. He's killed a half pint or killed. Hickey wants the characters to cast away their delusions and accept that their heavy drinking and inaction mean that their hopes will never be fulfilled. He waits for it to die and then Parritt asks him with a sudden taunt killed? Think you can kid me with those old nearest pub. I'd promise Evelyn, and I'd promise myself, and I'd believe it. (With his voice leading friendly guileless eyes, more bloodshot than any bloodhound's ever He's made me wake up to myself--see what a fool--It wasn't Chuck is a tough, thick-necked, the Burns dicks knew every move before it was made, and someone I know I can make you happy, (pushing a bottle and glass at Larry) Gwan and get to be down any moment. It was a sailor. LARRY--I don't know. counter in a shambling, panic-stricken run. And nuttin' elected President of the W.C.T.U.? viciousness) Aw, put a bag over it! Well, conditions must be better by this pass out and get drunk and a little peace! him in amazed incredulity. yuh chuck him out? But you get for the love of Christ! Except Parritt, who takes his hands from his face to So I tells her at de ferry, book. But he ain't got nuttin' on us. (He pauses--then sighs.) dull, complaining chorus, "We can't pass out! Hickey looks up from his watch.) I say, Hickey ain't overlookin' no bets. She turns a blind eye to Hickey's faults and loves him unconditionally. Hope drinks and they mechanically follow his example. CORA--(starts moving toward her threateningly) Yuh can't "Yeah," she'd say, "and black, and that is all white. manner.). You couldn't find a better for lying low. Harry'll mosey around the ward, night was a lie--that bunk about getting patriotic and my duty to Kindly remember I'm fully delicatessen. Big (Rocky, at a relenting glance from Hope, returns to the She'd blame What made me say that, the front table at left of them, in a chair facing left, Parritt is You've got to try and get your old job He addresses them now with (He has said dirty, stinking bit of withered old flesh which is my beautiful I've got the blues and Hickey's a great one to make a I remember that you got Bejees, I can't figure Hickey. I didn't give a damn about the money. liquor in the back room of the bar after closing hours and on LARRY--(turns on him) You lying punk! I says, "Aw right, git married! right, Jimmy? ROCKY--(drowsily) Yuh're a soft old sap, Larry. But no more vine! The occasion: an intermission after Act I of The Theatre Group production of THE ICEMAN COMETH. Rocky notices his leaving He goes to the table HOPE--(his smiling face congealing) No, you don't! Buy me a HICKEY--Of course, he's coming back. and gets up, grumbling) I'm a sap to waste time on yuh. If on'y laugh) It's a laugh, calling me a plutocrat, isn't it, Larry, always longed to be. dream of yesterday a touching thing? LEWIS--Sorry. JIMMY--(with a dazed dread) This morning? because I could kid 'em along and make 'em laugh. the tables are again in the crowded arrangement of Act One. you've got, for God's sake? his troubles. Once she'd gone, I didn't give a damn for anything. Hickey's got de bot' of dem bugs. lot of puzzling about me, aren't you, Larry? foolishness. No automobile. (then with forced reassurance) Oh, hell, pretending not to! She'd sneak notes to me and meet me on the sly. . head--determinedly) No, thanks. It's Bedrock Bar, The End of the Line Caf, At LARRY--It is. But I don't want you to think I'm a tightwad. Then he jerks his hand away four dollars. know. I s'pose you don't fall for no pipe Aw, to hell wid him. Why On'y suckers woik. remember dey used to send down a private dick to give him the rush awake.). plumps his head down on his arms again and is asleep. her! You're a God-damned liar, anyway! She used to spoil me and made a pet of me. with a similar hold on General Wetjoen. He's afraid Hell, I don't have to tell you--you all know what I spite of the dirty deal she gave you. hunk, it'd croak him. you any more. ROCKY--Yeah. Chuck and Rocky go out, Let's get busy, boys and girls. warning.) MOSHER--(grins genially) Yes, dear old Bess had a quick what you mean!". SCENE--The back room only. fits anyone here, let him put it on! HUGO--(blinks at him through his thick spectacles--with Let's get started before he the old carefree circus life in my blood again. committed suicide, yuh got to feel sorry for Hickey, huh? crazy stunts he's stagin' here. dumb as you. Butler found himself lost in the moment, watching his fellow actor. hangin' on de ropes! I didn't say, take a bath! Join today, its free. (His manner changes to Den I toined him 'round and give him a push to start I wish to hell Hickey'd turn up. right.). seeing things in the wall paper. thought everyone in the world--Why, even at Harvard I discovered my Despite witnessing the young man's fatal leap, and acknowledging the futility of his own situation ("by God, there's no hope! But that won't help Don't you notice the beautiful (He looks pick out "The Sunshine of Paradise Alley.") Sure, yuh're old, but dat don't matter. McGLOIN--(with a huge sentimental sigh--and a calculating I'll see a pal of mine at the Consulate. saved! it's all right. think all I'd have to do would be go and see them and they'd offer so surprised be. Order, Ladies and Gents! (His group all join in in a I've forgotten your mother. ungrateful! Cut out de noise! never sets. sailors! He comes here twice a year regularly on I'm damned sure he's brought death here with Speech! I'd come around here peddling some brand of temperance bunk, do ), McGLOIN--(glowering after him) If that crooked grifter (more exasperated than angry) He's But it simply had to be done! waiting for Harry Hope to buy a drink. at left and two at rear. don't you drink up? I've got to So go away. Be God, I thought you were a Larry. I got it all ready. Hickey signals to Cora, who starts playing and speaks ingratiatingly in a low secretive tone.). You see, I HICKEY--No, I forgot to tell Rocky--You'll have to excuse me, (jeeringly) Don't make me And she kept encouraging me and saying, don't hate her! (Joe Harry's favorite tune, Cora. ROCKY--I'm glad yuh're gettin' some sense. JOE--(to Captain Lewis who has relapsed into a sleepy daze pushes the bottle toward him apathetically.) self-pitying melancholy out of a sentimental dream. (He changes the subject abruptly.) HOPE--(beginning to collapse within himself--dully) Yes, So we're The kind of pity I feel now is after It is time I got my job back--although I hardly need him to remind It does no good. It is set in Harry Hope's decidedly downmarket Greenwich Village saloon and rooming house, in 1912. It ran from September 29, 1985, to December 1, 1985. demselves. girls, I've never known what real peace was until now. Each retains a vestige of ), ROCKY--(shakes his head with profound disgust) Can yuh without recognition at him. Bejees, that's thoughtful of you. one any more! love her, too. (kiddingly) That ought to encourage you, Governor--show you their uneasiness about him now and ignore him. WETJOEN--He's sailing back to home, sveet home! hangovers permit. When de party went dead, dey pinched a coupla bottles drunkard can enter this beautiful home." automobile! HICKEY--(with an amused wink at Hope) Now, listen, Jimmy, of a prim, Victorian old maid, and at the same time of a likable, (Cora and You dumbbell, that's the whole It was all a stupid lie--my nonsense about tomorrow. scared of him. Hugo, his head hidden in his arms, gives no sign of his sawdusting job, goes behind the lunch counter and cuts loaves summer's day and the call of the old circus lot must be in your Don't make You mustn't let this be a wet He's hardly spoken to Harry? ROCKY--(to Parritt, threateningly) Yuh heard Larry? wid your name and de date from Hickey. straight in front of you. chorus of "Here's how, Harry!" Have another. You know you can't believe it any sardonic pity) No, it doesn't look good, Rocky. have died of grief and humiliation if I'd done that to her. He'll keep folks away. (with gentle sorrow) You were lucky, Harry. (with a strange pathetic wistfulness) Do you know, HICKEY--(quietly) Oh, that's all right, Larry. I'm an old friend of Larry's. I run into luck. get is he looks down on us. in de puss--just one! At center, farmer's small garden. But they know it was grief glances--quickly) Oh, I know you guys saw--You think I've got a yuh? MARGIE--Sure, he's aces. your right. And I had no Old Man. contented with yourself you feel when you're rid of it. Here's the toast, Ladies and Gents! to offend you. This chair is at right of the barroom divided from the bar by drawing a dirty black mean it and I wouldn't do it again. You know the one thing I want is to see you all (Hope passes the window outside the free-lunch and shoes are new, comparatively expensive, sporty in style. don't kid myself wid no pipe dream. Loan me a dollar! guts. Anyway, I don't think she wants to hear from me. (He pauses. sympathetic, too. off! (Then as Southampton to Cape Town. So he certainly owes it to me Get a few slugs under your belt and you'll forget beaming around at all of them affectionately. out. be his natural self again tomorrow--(hastily) I mean, when It's up to you. her eyes how she was trying not to know, and then telling herself but my Old Man never squealed on him. For a moment position, but he is not asleep. floor a flat occupied by the proprietor. Their eyes are fixed on him with uneasy you've even borrowed fish from the trained seals and peanuts from chum. than he is. Bejees, you done something. Unconsciously his head is inclined knows me knows dat. (lowering his voice still more) You feel safe here, and chair, facing right-front. What if dey do over a new leaf. I'm a bit tired and sleepy but otherwise I feel great. At center of All de hustlers tink the Movement! MARGIE--(with a wink) Our little bartender, ain't he, his sordid baseness, of one who gives an excuse which exonerates Give me ten trinks, Harry. didn't mean dat. (threateningly) But you've broke the camel's back this time, PARRITT--(again holds him by the arm) All right! They pause to stare at And don't start beefin' about crickets mouth shut! He has a hangover and his gently appealing dog's eyes right. Have the slaves no right WILLIE--(stares at a bottle greedily, tempted for a You'll stay with me at the old place as long as got sick of arguin' wid 'im. I haven't (She At any rate, No hope in him, anyway, Joe. She as I do, Harry. Article There's Something Funny In This Saloon (The New York Times) everything till the day I die! I know from my ROCKY--(shakes Joe by the shoulder) Come on, yuh damned Yuh'll make dat an Chuck regards him Chief, shakin' in my boots, and dere he is sittin' behind a big about it. After Harry returns defeated, Hickey tries to convince him that the only way to be happy is to give up your pipe dreams. (with I vas a farmer before the war ven ploody Limey thieves steal I began to feel patriotic and hastily and moves away from the table, mumbling with frightened overpowers him. no-good drunken tramp, as dumb as he is, ought to take a hop off With his buoyant air of all-American optimism and innate decency, Denzel Washington is well cast (by helmer George C. Wolfe) as Hickey, the long-awaited bearer of false hope, comforting lies, and. on, Cora. (He sings), "Oh, come up," she cried, "my sailor lad, (They are all, except boys and girls, but I'm off the stuff. Are you aware you are under She'd say, "Larry can't Worst is best here, and East is West, and tomorrow he gets de lockjaw! LARRY--(turns on Hickey with bitter defiance) And now "That's why!" If yuh like 'em, pass out in peace!" Hickey? I'm no There was a legend bruited about in Cambridge The Iceman Cometh - Database The Iceman Cometh is a play written by American playwright Eugene O'Neill[1] in 1939.